File Size: 16979 KB
Print Length: 150 pages
Publisher: RosettaBooks (May 17, 2013)
Publication Date: May 17, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #1,011,525 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #100 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media > Podcasts & Webcasts #4564 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Marketing & Sales > Marketing #10783 in Books > Business & Money > Marketing & Sales > Marketing
Webinars offer students an opportunity to learn and interact with others in the comfort of their home. There will be continued demand for high-quality educational opportunities that are delivered on the Internet.This book was written by experts in the field of online learning and instructional technology. They have worked with thousands of individuals and companies in a quest to design a webinar that meets the needs of online students.I think the information in this book could be used to improve the quality of face-to-face presentations as well as online sessions. The authors are passionate about making their lessons relevant, interesting and interactive.This book includes an abundance of fun graphics that make it an easy and pleasant reading experience. The book can be read in one sitting but the information should be studied and applied to your projects.I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in transforming your presentations into effective, efficient and productive learning tools.
What a great read for those currently teaching and for those wanting to teach virtually. Having taught many virtual sessions with folks all over the globe, I was excited to uncover what this book was all about. The word that kept coming to mind as I was reading was, YES!My guess is most of us have been on a "Zombie" webinar one time or another. Some of us have maybe even taught a "Zombie" webinar, and no one likes them! The principles taught in this book cover both design and delivery and I can see how applying these principles can make you, as a presenter, look like a Rock Star! I also enjoyed the "Putting Principle to Practice (key summary points)" at the end of each chapter. This book has inspired me to create my own plan of attack to make my webinars better.Great book!
The authors have collected years of experience on what to do and not to do to ensure a webinar runs smoothly.The book is very well organized and presented and surfaces very quickly the most important points.A must read ahead of your next webinar.
This book shows you how to produce webinars that people will watch. Follow and stick to the 7 principles in the book and you should have a captivating webinar. The best thing was that there were key summaries and action steps at the end of each chapter so you actually put what you learn into practice.
I produced videos, published articles, build websites and all of that other stuff to grown my business, but have got into online webinars yet. I guess I haven't really looked into it in before, so it was time to find out more. This book looked like it was worth a read and it has been a great learning tool.It is extremely entertaining and if you follow the principles you'll be able to start your own webinar or online train coarse. The hardest thing for me would be to get my first one under the belt. Once I overcome this hurdle, like anything new that you haven't done it takes time, patience and practice.
The Webinar Manifesto is a relatively short book easy to disgest in one read. The pages are light on type, have short paragraphs, key points are blindingly in red, and there's a lot of white space and large typed sentences in red print taking up space.The authors cover everything from planing the webinar, how it looks, how it is presented, and how to get feedback aftwerwards. As well, topics such as getting the right people and delivery are covered.I've taught technical subjects using webinar programs for several years. For me, a lot of what was in here was intuitive - especially for anyone in a marketing discipline. As such, I believe the target audience for the book is those who use webinars as a tool to communicate within corporate environs and who do not have a marketing background. E.g., engineers, etc. Others such as myself, a single-employee business owner who uses the webinar platform to teach, perhaps not so much. I honestly didn't find a lot of insight in there. I wanted to see something that I would not have realized otherwise but the topics covered were very general.The book is slick and feels like it was written by marketing guys. The key points outlined in boxes, large bold red stamped words for points, anecdotal introductions to the short chapters, copious amounts of white space and very short paragraphs. It felt much more like a webinar printout itself, missing only the presenter speaking the key points. And yet, there were surprisingly few actual examples of their points (right vs wrong or ways to jazz up your webinars). As well, key webinar programs weren't discussed at all. I would have liked to see more actual graphics/screen shots of different type of webinar presentations. As well, because the book was so slick, it did feel kind of shallow - especially with all the plugs for the authors' other books and publishers' other books.
Having worked in eLearning for the last 6 years, I've seen a lot of people (and ideas) come and go. I've seen organizations start virtual campaigns with grand intentions only to end in flames. The common thread is usually a combination of a few things: lack of understanding of objectives and desired outcomes, lack of understanding of the tools (technology), and hubris: believing that "you've got this" when really, you don't. The Webinar Manifesto speaks with voice imperial, providing a clear outline of what you need to know - regardless of the technology you use - to build a solid webinar delivery program.Mr. Muller and Mr. Murdoch really get it, and we all stand to benefit from their experience and insight.
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