File Size: 8478 KB
Print Length: 160 pages
Publisher: Krause Publications; Special edition (February 5, 1999)
Publication Date: February 5, 1999
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B005061WNS
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #415,448 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #51 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Paper Ephemera & Cards > Paper Ephemera #128 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Papercrafts #1065 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Papercrafts, Stamping & Stenciling > Papercrafts
The day I recieved this book I could not put it down, I had to read the entire book! From the start, it is an encouraging and creative book to be used in every aspect of the papermaking process. Unfortunately the only parts I felt were weak would be for paper artists who want a totally acid free paper. His comments on that though, do need to be believed because He is the curator of the Dard Hunter paper museum and a paper chemist. He feels that the best way to make that type of paper is to start with recycled paper that is already acid free. Those artists who create from plants alone may not find enough information to please them,yet many of His techniques can still be applied with their experience to create very artistic paper. Even beginners can tackle the most professional results with this book in hand. I feel even children could achieve surprising results with the processes he shows, step by step, using mostly home supplies. He shows you how to make your own mold and deckle too! The "moon paper" recipe he shows you how to create is worth the price of the book alone! Out of my entire library of paper books, this does stand on its own for the most part and for that reason, I recommend it for all beginner and intermediate artists and every papermaking teacher.Your creative juices will flow with this book!
There's an old adage that says, "Never judge a book by its cover." That was certainly true for me when I first looked at Arnold Grummer's Complete Guide To Paper Casting. My initial reaction to the cover (& many of the 'projects' was--How 70s can you get? Fortunately, I followed the adage's advice and read a few chapters. Result? I found a valuable addition to my how-to library. The authors (Arnold & Mabel Grummer) have created a work which is rich with detail. They offer techniques, tips, history, ideas & more in such an easy to read manner that whatever your interest &/or skill level, you will find yourself casting pulp before you know it. Saavy enough to recognize that many crafty types want to get started without reading 'War & Peace', the authors provide readers with a quick start-up in Chapter 2. I made my first paper cast within thirty minutes of reading the instructions--(took me twelve minutes to find the blender!) From that point on, I found myself enjoying (& learning) so much. I picked up a vocabulary without needing to consult a dictionary; began exploring additives & molds & generally having FUN with paper casting in ways I had not considered. With the current trend in paper crafts/arts, I heartily recommend this book to scrapbookers, altered-bookers & collagists. I also recommend it to anyone who has ever asked 'What If?'
I love this book. Arnold Grummer is fantastic. This book explains everything you need to know about paper, and making paper, in a very simple way. I especially love the beginning of the book where he gets into the technical aspects of what IS paper and why we can make our own. There are also many full-color samples of handmade paper that I found very inspiring. This book will keep you busy trying all the embellishment and inclusion techniques, too, including botanicals, pin drawing, and coloring. I'll be using this book for a long time, and I recommenend it to everyone.
I borrowed from my library four other books on papermaking before I ordered this. I should have read this one FIRST! (Problem was, no library in our system would let it out on loan.) I would have bought fewer supplies and been less puzzled by techniques demonstrated in the previous books.Mr. Grummer may have written at length about some of the techniques, but the photos were excellent at demonstrating what he described. Thanks to his photos, I was able to build my own frame from scrap wood and screening I had on hand. The author's encouragement and humor kept the instructions interesting. And my first try at making paper was satisfying. I went on to experiment with paper-recycling combinations and produced 23 sheets, all different. Those sheets, in turn, were used in one of a kind Christmas gifts.The author did a fine job, not only explaining techniques, but giving the reader enough understanding to modify the techniques to suit individual needs and available supplies.
Since the local craft store carries the Arnold Grummer supplies for papermaking, I decided to buy his book - Arnold Grummer's Complete Guide to Easy Papermaking. (Mr. Grummer also has a website.) The instructions in the book are very clearly illustrated by photographs. Many variations in colors and textures are shown. You'll need a frame set and cotton linter both available at the craft store, a blender and paper scraps. Easy to recycle old envelopes or paper (discard the black print which will turn the paper grey). Variations: Colored paper tints the pulp. Add dried flowers and leaves. Emboss wet pulp with brass stencil. Hot tip: When pressing out the excess water from the wet pulp, use a rolling pin!
For full disclosure I haven't tried making any paper yet.However, the book covers all the instructions I have read on the Web and YouTube.So I give it high marks for consistency.I am still accumulating all the stuff necessary to do it but its on the list and I will use his instructions when I do.I will update this review at that time
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