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Python Scripting For ArcGIS

Python Scripting for ArcGIS is a guide for experienced users of ArcGIS Desktop to get started with Python scripting without needing previous programming experience. Experience with other scripting or programming languages (Perl, VBA, VB script, Java, C++) is helpful but not required. Readers are expected to have good general ArcGIS skills and a basic understanding of geoprocessing procedures. There are 14 chapters with corresponding online data and exercises available on the Esri Press book resource page at

Paperback: 358 pages

Publisher: Esri Press; Alternate edition (February 2, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1589483715

ISBN-13: 978-1589483712

Product Dimensions: 8.1 x 1 x 9.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (58 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #90,665 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Graphics & Multimedia > GIS #18 in Books > Science & Math > Earth Sciences > Geography > Information Systems #18 in Books > Computers & Technology > Graphics & Design > Computer Modelling > Remote Sensing & GIS

Given this is only the second book on the market for this particular topic, I think it is a great book. I am an adjunct faculty that teaches a Python programming course in ArcGIS and I plan to quickly adopt this book.My only suggestion is to consider having more exercises developed for each chapter so that it can be used more in an academic setting.

Paul Zandbergen has filled a badly needed void with this book. For you college instructors who have been looking for a text to teach an ArcPy course, this is it. It has 14 chapters and accompanying labs. For the self learner, the book is quite accessible both in layout and content.Paul has a thorough understanding of ArcPy and Python and he does a marvelous job teaching the basics and providing some useful inside tips. He is also comprehensive and thorough. For the instructor, you will need to get your lab up to ArcGIS 10.1. For the self-learner, the text comes with a 6-month license along withe data and labs.No need to wait any longer. This is the text for learning ArcPy and now is the time.

This book is a fine companion to Jennings' A Python Primer for ArcGIS. In fact, it's kind of hard to buy one without the other. Together they make one book. I would recommend that, if you're a visual learner driven to absorb concepts, start with Zandbergen then dig into Jennings' for some really fine exercises and coding practices. However, if you're a tactile learner (like me), get under the hood and get your hands dirty with Jennings. Get to where you can comfortably do these exercises. And then dive into the why's and wherefore's behind them in the Zandbergen text.Yes, I am a "shoot first, and ask questions later" type of guy. Jennings' text lets me dive in. But Zandbergen's is a well-written text that covers a number of tools beyond what Jennings treats. Zandbergen's exercises, in accompanying .pdf's, are--not very good. But I keep both books on my desk.

This is another nice issue from the ESRI press concerning Python scripting within their ArcGIS program. If you are a GIS user who needs the programming background to really understand and function your ArcGIS work, this is a good book to motivate you to learn.There is a lot of buy-in necessary to make this work: mostly, beating your head against the programming wall over and over and over and over and over again when little issue pop up that makes things not work. Python at least is somewhat forgiving.If you are a student in a course where this book is required... buy it. You'll need it for a while if you plan to make GIS a career.

A good book. However, it could be made better. (1) for novices like me, there should be a chapter 0 which discusses object oriented programming from the GIS-Python viewpoint. I see some similarities to Java such as declaring the instance of a class, but there are python differences. (2) there needs to be more exercises in the guts of each chapter instead of at their ends. (3) some of the discussion is easy to follow and then wham, something new without explanation. in other words the book is a bit too short. I have a Java book that looks like a good door stop. this book does not need to be that big, but there needs to be a little more hand-holding to lead the novice through the topics, especially the parts that are special to graphics and spatial topics.I am new to python (not GIS) but it seems like some of the topics are peculiar to gis and would not be found in a standard python text. Those are the sections/topics that need to be handled more carefully and slowly. But this book is an eye opener: "Wow I didn't know you could do that! That's cool."

This book has one VERY major flaw that is hard to forgive. Many of the code examples are written assuming you will be using PythonWin as your script editor. If you are NOT using PythonWin (either because your workplace hasn't approved it or because you are already comforatble in other editing environments) then you will run into nothing but trouble as many of the examples will not work. I'm not sure what the solution to this is, but it's kind of a deal breaker for me. Too bad.

I really like this book a lot. I've had it for nearly a year now, and it's been my main intro to both Python and GIS scripting. I've used it for self-study, and the pace and content depth fit me well. I don't have any background in writing code, but plenty of GIS experience.For me, the real value with this book lies with the Exercises included on the included DVD (I'm not sure if the Kindle version has this). It's a set of PDFs and shapefiles that walk you through exercises that reinforce the book chapter discussions. I've done them multiple times, adding annotations to the script and altering the code to see what happens, and have learned a lot from them.Even after completing the book, I will keep it around as a reference until Python 3.5 becomes standard in Arc.

This book is excellent! It offers easy to follow steps to learning Python, the writing is simple to follow, and it's not too advanced. It also offers a cd in the back with examples to learn Python on your own. It's great for beginners.

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