Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Ave Maria Press (August 1, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0877939438
ISBN-13: 978-0877939436
Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.3 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (21 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #238,982 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #98 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Counseling #638 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Churches & Church Leadership > Pastoral Resources #1651 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > Worship & Devotion > Inspirational
Writers and editors may be familiar with an old standby in the editing world, The Elements of Style, a slim little volume that has served as a precious help to anyone seeking to work with the English language. Well, James Sullivan and Ave Maria press have written and published a similar little guide to interpersonal communications called The Good Listener. This small book covers succinctly the measures many of us need to take to really become better, more effective listeners. Reading this book will not make you a better listener, only practice can do that, but it will definitely teach you about the foundations of good listening so you will know what to practice.
I have read many books on listening, and there are some that are more detailed such as "Are You really Listening?", yet I find myself returning time and time again to this book and keeping extra copies on hand to hand out time and time again. Why? It is a simple book anyone can understand-stand, mostly wrote in the first person so people really can see what it means to listen empathetically and not listen through their own filters. How do you make someone feel when you steam roll over them when they are trying to convey a deep feeling or ewmotion that they've pent up? This book will give you a great idea, and tell you from the perspective of a hurt person, how you can listen better. Written by a priest who deals with hurt people everyday and wanted to convey how much a person can heal just by understanding their feelings. This is the heart of the book, it is not about "Follow these 10 steps to become a great listener", it is about getting away from your own selfish need to be listened to, in order to help others. If you listen to them, it is far more likely, in the future, when you need it someone will listen to you. Even if you are a skilled listener, this book is a poignant reminder as to why you do what you do, and if you feel you can listen better, this book with show you why it is such a vital tool in communication, all communication should start and end with listening. God Bless ~Amy
I just finished reading this little book and found it quite convicting. I've always considered myself a "good listener," but found myself wondering as I read this whether I am just a good listener to those I like and consider worth listening to. Hmmm.... They are the easy ones to listen to! : )I realized I'm not so good at the harder-to-listen-to ones and need to work on that with some focus.Fr. Sullivan uses an interesting first-person form of writing that is quite excellent at helping the reader really feel the impact of various listening styles, etc. Quite effective and quite easy to read!
Initially I was disappointed when I realized how small the book was, but I discovered that this book contained a lot of good nuggets of help for acquiring basic listening skills. This actually would be a great gift book for educators and people in religious work who want to learn how to connect better with others. One tragic reality of 21st century life is that we fail to learn how to get outside ourselves and connect with others. Good listening skills is an essential step toward learning how to communicate to others that they matter.
Very sincere and clear view on a humanistic approach to listening. Author seems to practicwe what he preaches and this book should be helpful to people looking to be more empathetic with others. Only downside is over generalization of peoples problems which may require more care than flippant analysis.
Excellent read for people who want to work on their listening skills. Recommended for anyone involved in work where you counsel or coach others or anyone who wants to connect more deeply to others by listening. Following principles presented here you can become a better listener to your spouse, your kids, your friends, your teammates, your colleagues, and even to people you don't know well.
I ordered this book because I read the first 3 pages of the book at my friends house and knew that I had to read it and share it with my daughter and granddaughter.I recommend this book to everyone who values their relationships, especially children and grandchildren.It clearly explains what we have "all" done wrong in our listening skills, even when it is not intentional.
This book convincingly asserts that listening well is a great gift to others. When we are heard, we are loved. An excellent resource for those who want to bless others by being there for them and honoring them by listening to their innermost thoughts, fears, and hurts. Highly recommended!
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