Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Kregel Publications (August 25, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0825421187
ISBN-13: 978-0825421181
Product Dimensions: 1 x 5.8 x 8.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (8 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #885,139 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #351 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Counseling #1249 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Ministry & Evangelism > Counseling & Recovery #1418 in Books > Reference > Encyclopedias & Subject Guides > Religion
I am a Christian who has struggled with depression off and on for decades. It seems to run in my family. Through my life I have read many books on depression and overcoming depression. Many of them are mentioned in "Broken Minds". I have bought into one theory of depression after another. I've tried over and over to get my act together and solve my depression but always ended up feeling like I was just going through the motions or whistling in the dark. For years now I have been moving towards the idea that my depression is not the result of something I am or am not doing but just how I am "wired".This book somewhat validates that way of thinking. There is still much to be gained with cognitive therapy and looking to God for help. But it is also helpful for me to realize that when my thinking gets dark I am not necessarily thinking correctly. The chemicals in my brain are out of balance and my brain is not working correctly. I try to remember not to do or say anything with long term consequences because my thinking isn't right.The open, and painfully honest, account of the author's experience with depression ties together the topics covered in the book. I found it an easy to read book. It held my interest.The church needs to think this through better and realize that depression is much like any of many other afflictions in life. It isn't necessarily the individual's fault. I hope this book will be an important step in that direction.
When you are a Christian who is depressed, where do you turn for help? Authors Steve and Robyn Bloem tell their personal story about Steve's battles with deep depression. Both authors perspective is weaved into the fiber of this book yet the book is much more. It is a resource so Christian counselors and pastors can increase their understanding of the broken people who enter their office and guide them to professional help. BROKEN MINDS is packed with careful research and documentation to provide hope and healing. If you live or work with anyone who is depressed, this book is a valuable resource.
This book started out really interesting -- I loved the personal stories and testimony from the perspectives of both the author and his wife. But then it started jumping around and felt really confusing. Every chapter didn't feel like a normal progression, it just felt like they were rehashing the same things over and over again. Also, for the last half of the book, it went into more depression research mode, and I could barely stay awake. The writing was very dull at this point, and I couldn't pay attention. I wish I could recommend this book, but it really didn't have many helpful takeaways at all.
Praise God for what He is doing through Steve and Robyn Bloem! Sadly, many lives have been lost to depression, but the Bloems have taken a strong stand on the front lines trying to keep more people from giving up on life. It's sad that the insidious belief, that one can merely "snap out of it," has pervaded even the walls of the Church. This book is especially helpful for those who know someone dealing with mental illness.
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