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Programming & Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers

This book is a fully updated and revised compendium of PIC programming information. Comprehensive coverage of the PICMicros' hardware architecture and software schemes will complement the host of experiments and projects making this a true, "Learn as you go" tutorial. New sections on basic electronics and basic programming have been added for less sophisticated users along with 10 new projects and 20 new experiments. New pedagogical features have also been added such as "Programmers Tips" and "Hardware Fast FAQs". Key Features:* Printed Circuit Board for a PICMicro programmer included with the book! This programmer will have the capability to program all the PICMicros used by the application.* Twice as many projects including a PICMicro based Webserver * Twenty new "Experiments" to help the user better understand how the PICMicro works. * An introduction to Electronics and Programming in the Appendices along with engineering formulas and PICMicro web references.

Series: TAB Electronics Technical Library

Paperback: 960 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics; 2 edition (December 4, 2000)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0071361723

ISBN-13: 978-0071361729

Product Dimensions: 7.3 x 1.6 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.8 pounds

Average Customer Review: 3.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (78 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,704,725 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #43 in Books > Computers & Technology > Hardware & DIY > Microprocessors & System Design > PIC Microcontroller #450 in Books > Textbooks > Engineering > Electrical & Electronic Engineering #2522 in Books > Textbooks > Engineering > Mechanical Engineering

I am a professional embedded programmer. I purchased this book so that I could get up to speed on the Microchip PIC architecture and its assembly language.I read the first 105 pages of the book in detail so that I'd have a basic understanding of the PIC micro architecture for the mid-range family. (I acquired an MPLAB-ICD, from Microchip, which is based on the 16F877 -midrange chip.) Afterwards I went straight to the section in chap. 14 on the MPLAB-ICD and got the ICD kit running.After that, I went to chapter 15 and did the first 10 experiments using the MPLAB-ICD. Basically, the course that I followed allowed me to get up to speed in the shortest amount of time. Most of these experiments were designed for the 16F84 but they're all easily modified to run on the 16F877.My findings:1. The book is sprinkled with spelling and grammatical errors, however so is the Microchip documentation on their chips - this is more frustrating because you're taking Microchip's word as absolute truth.2. It is nice that Myke included the El-Cheapo programmer circuit board. However, given the time and cost associated with building it, I'd rather use the MPLAB-ICD. However (there's always a however) the El-Cheapo programs quite a variety while the ICD only does the 16F877. (Note: Microchip has a new ICD that programs all or most of their chips. It's low cost and is already built.)3. Unlike other reviewers, I found the code that I ran to be reliable - I found no blatant errors in the code - errors that would keep the code from running "as advertised." I copied my code from the CD - this was a time-saver.4. The book is way too long to read from cover to cover. I'd die of boredom if I tried to do this.

OVERVIEW: This book is a detailed and comprehensive discussion of the three categories of PIC micro MCUs (low-, mid- and high-end). At over 1,000 pages, the book covers the products in (sometimes very technical) detail. It's an excellent resource for microcontroller beginners, as well as those with micro experience but are new to PIC. The book provides excellent descriptions of how the PIC MCUs work, including details about their instruction sets, hardware features, tips for assembly language and macro development, and a slew of interesting experiments and projects.ADD-ONS: The book includes a CD and a PCB (printed circuit board). The CD contains project code, additional information, data sheets, and even an entire chapter (presumably left out of the actual text because it's already quite lengthy) that provides an excellent introduction to electronics. It (the extra chapter) covers all the basics, and segues into PIC-related electronics issues. The chapter, for example, provides an excellent power supply circuit for PIC experimenting. The PCB is for the "El Cheapo" PIC programmer -- you need to purchase the components (which might be difficult to find), and then you can solder them up onto the included PCB and you'll have a working PIC programmer! IMPORTANT: Be sure you check the author's web site BEFORE ordering your parts -- I believe the parts list has been updated since the text was published.REFERENCE QUALITY: The book does not make a good reference -- partly because of the way it's structured. (You'll find yourself flipping pages quite a lot if you intend it as reference material.) It is, however, a quite comprehensive and logically organized as a textbook.

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