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Programming And Customizing The PICAXE Microcontroller 2/E (Programmable Controllers Series)

UNLEASH THE POWER OF THE PICAXE! The PICAXE is a powerful and easy-to-use processor, capable of highly sophisticated projects, without the complexities and high costs of alternative chips. Beginners can produce tangible results within minutes, and experienced users can achieve truly professional results. Programming and Customizing the PICAXE Microcontroller, Second Edition, has been fully updated for the latest hardware and software upgrades, and shows you, step by step, how to take full advantage of all the capabilities of the PICAXE and build your own control projects. This practical guide is packed with helpful illustrations, detailed examples, and do-it-yourself experiments. Perfect for beginners and students, the book also contains advanced information for more experienced programmers, hobbyists, manufacturers, and research institutions. Programming and Customizing the PICAXE Microcontroller, Second Edition, covers: PICAXE architecture The latest chips, including M2, M, X, XI, and X2 series Windows, Mac, and UNIX platforms Interfacing and input/output techniques BASIC programming and compilers PICAXE arithmetic and data conversion Dozens of ready-to-run projects Useful routines to plug into your own designs Hands-on projects include: LED and LCO display control Motor control Water detector Bipolar transistor output driver Interfacing MOSFETs to a PICAXE Radio-control servo motor Infrared wireless links Telephone intercom Dual-temperature display Radio frequency identification (RFID) reader display Memory and I/O expansion Real-time clock/calendar Data logger Robotic components Many more

Series: Programmable Controllers Series

Paperback: 320 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education TAB; 2 edition (January 3, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0071745548

ISBN-13: 978-0071745543

Product Dimensions: 7.3 x 0.7 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (18 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #492,518 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #12 in Books > Computers & Technology > Hardware & DIY > Microprocessors & System Design > PIC Microcontroller #150 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Circuits > Design #96182 in Books > Textbooks

I am new to the PICAXE so I was looking for all the information I could find. The [...] website has quite a bit but I felt like I needed more. I saw the book advertised with glowing reviews and ordered a copy at once. When the book came, I had gotten pretty familiar with the information on the web site and was looking for something more in depth. After looking at the book for quite some time, I still haven't found anything of use that can't be gotten from the web site. Actually, whenever I need information, I go to the web site instead of loking at the book. The picaxe user forum is also helpful. There may soon be other books on the PICAXE and I hope the authors do a better job than was done here.

I got worried when the FIRST thing I looked up in the index of this book was BASIC - no mention of the language! The SECOND thing I looked for was a BASIC command reference - not there!!! (So I guess this means I'm going to have to print out the 178 pages of the PDF file on my printer and try to get them bound.)I'm really not joking when I say that the next thing I looked up was the pinouts for the PICAXE-18X. I wanted to know where the SCL and SCA pins were on an 18X chip. No mention of either in the index so I decided to look up the pinouts for the chip. I found the chip listed on page 335 but unfortunately it was wrong - the chip shown in Figure A-16 was actually a 24-pin chip and bore no relation to the one I was looking for.These comments are made after just about 10 minutes of owning the book so I'm worried about what I'm going to find next!My advice is buy with caution. Try to get to see the book before you pay for it and then decide. I'm sure there's lots of things people will find useful contained within this volume but in my own case it as failed me so far.EXTRA NOTESNow that I have had a chance to get to grips with the book I can see that it does have its uses. I think the problem is that it is not for the beginner but it's useful if you can get over the initial step of learning the BASIC commands. Having said that a lot of time is dedicated to some very basic circuits - space which would have been better used for that command reference I wanted at the beginning. In the end I did print it out from the PDF file!There are quite a few mistakes in the book so be prepared for that but if you're into PICAXE then this is a book you should get.

As a fan of David's earlier Picaxe booklets, I see his new book as being a great aid when wrestling with applications for these dirt cheap microcontroller darlings. The book works at many levels, since with beginner, intermediate, & experienced sections it should appeal to schools as well as being a good reference for old hands, hobbyists and -gasp- even engineers.Wearing my photo journalist's hat & given the A1 technology now available, at least a few PICTURES would have been appreciated, since layout circuits are just simple line drawings akin to those in his earlier "Mechatronics" booklets. Perhaps things more in the style of the Rev.Ed .pdfs would have better caught the eye? This is naturally both an initial marketing AND educational end user issue- kids steaming in classrooms during Australian heatwaves need stimulating.I'd personally have whipped up a bit of early can do enthusiasm as well (photos of pre teens robots, "girls can do anything" smart traffic lights,old codgers with balloon wireless weather telemetry etc -all with "it works" smiles), but then that's -ahem- my own style!Since many texts now come with a back cover CD, or are perhaps web linked for copy & paste downloads, users will be faced with -argh!- raw code entry as neither are included. Although of course this will be educational,longer programs (such as David's great phone exchange) really need more productive linking, as typos will surely otherwise arise. I well recall pages of games code listings in early 1980s computer mags (VIC-20, Spectrum etc)that lead to keyboard angst & weary eyes...All up I'd say every electronics class, school and library should have a copy. Perhaps the biggest compliment I can make is that this book is one I should have perhaps rustled up myself!Stan. SWAN ( author of numerous "Silicon Chip" Picaxe articles 2003-5)

As I see many in depth reviews I will keep mine short and sweet.The book is well written and useful but the Revelation Education Picaxe manuals are more up to date and complete. I did read this book and it has a lot of good information in it but when I have a question I don't reach for it, instead I hit the RevEd manual and forum.Overall, it's not a bad book but it's hard to justify the cost given the quality of the free manual by RevEd.If you are the hands on type and you want a good Picaxe book you should check out PICAXE Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius by Ron Hackett. It uses projects to walk you though Picaxe hardware and software and teaches you good programming and interfacing practices that you will use everyday.

I am glad that I had this book with me while learning the PICAXE 18M2. My main interest was the serial communication and basic I/O processing and the book covers them nicely. Yes, the manufacturer's website has the most up-to-date info about the chips. But this books does wonder getting me into PICAXE quickly and smoothly. The section on interfacing with various electornics is a plus. And the advanced experiments will give us hobbyists valuable ideas. Highly recommended.

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