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Reinventing Writing: The 9 Tools That Are Changing Writing, Teaching, And Learning Forever (Eye On Education Books)

In this much-anticipated book from acclaimed blogger Vicki Davis (Cool Cat Teacher), you’ll learn the key shifts in writing instruction necessary to move students forward in today’s world. Vicki describes how the elements of traditional writing are being reinvented with cloud-based tools. Instead of paper, note taking, filing cabinets, word processors, and group reports, we now have tools like ePaper, eBooks, social bookmarking, cloud syncing, infographics, and more. Vicki shows you how to select the right tool, set it up quickly, and prevent common mistakes. She also helps you teach digital citizenship and offers exciting ways to build writing communities where students love to learn. Special Features:• Essential questions at the start of each chapter to get you thinking about the big ideas• A chapter on each of the nine essential cloud-based tools--ePaper and eBooks; digital notebooks; social bookmarking; cloud syncing; cloud writing apps; blogging and microblogging; wikis and website builders; online graphic organizers and mind maps; and cartoons and infographics• A wide variety of practical ways to use each tool in the classroom• Alignments to the Common Core State Standards in writing • Level Up Learning--a special section at the end of each chapter to help you review, reflect on, and apply what you’ve learned• Writing tips to help you make the best use of the tools and avoid common pitfalls• A glossary of key terms discussed in the book• Useful appendices, including reproducible material for your classroom No matter what grade level you teach or how much tech experience you have, you will benefit from Vicki’s compelling and practical ideas. As she emphasizes throughout this essential book, teaching with cloud-based tools has never been easier, more convenient, or more important than right now.

Series: Eye on Education Books

Paperback: 266 pages

Publisher: Routledge (June 7, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0415732093

ISBN-13: 978-0415732093

Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.6 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (9 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #728,971 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #241 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Cloud Computing #906 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Networking #1307 in Books > Textbooks > Education > Secondary Education

In "Reinventing Writing" author, teacher, and tech superstar Vicki Davis redefines what it means to pick up the pen.The book is organized around nine Common Core-ready tools teachers can use right now to bring 21st century writing practices into the classroom. Although the objective of the book is "for modern educators to select the right tool for teaching purpose, to determine how to set it up quickly, and to prevent common mistakes," "Reinventing Writing" is so much more. The platforms in "Reinventing Writing" might change over time, but the paradigm shift is the same. "Reinventing Writing" helps teachers bring cutting-edge writing practice into the classroom. The way we write and process information is changing. Vicki shows how allowing students to create and share content for real is improving the way we think about writing and learning. Students must become content creators, not simply passive consumers. Vicki shows us how to help them do that.Vicki outlines specific situations, platforms, and tools. She gives teachers who are beginners or experienced in tech ideas for use and implementation and ways to avoid common pitfalls. She covers the range of spaces where writing can be inserted, showing ways to do so to engage today's learners. "Reinventing Writing" is more than nine simple tools, it's a change in the way you will approach not only writing in the classroom, but educational technology as well."What if I don't have a lot of technology available?" Vicki answers this. You can pick a few strategies or ideas from this book and try them. Vicki explains reinventing writing isn't a race, it's a step-by step conscious reflection.

"Writing is being reinvented. This does not mean you are irrelevant." - From Reinventing Writing by Vicki DavisVicki Davis understands teachers. She's a long-time teacher herself, runs an award-winning internet radio show called "Every Classroom Matters," and mentors hundreds of teachers through her blog at So it's no surprise that her book Reinventing Writing is tailored for the busy, dedicated teacher who wants to learn more about 21st-century digital tools but isn't quite sure where to start. Vicki begins the book with these words of encouragement: "The things you have been doing are important and have value. We just do it differently now. The basic concepts you've always taught are still there; they're just being taught differently."Vicki helps readers find their bearings by showing how each digital tool in the book is analogous to a common writing tool that teachers already understand. Paper has been reinvented as ePaper and eBooks. Notetaking has transformed from a three-ring binder to a digital notebook. Index cards are similar to social bookmarking, and your trusty filing cabinet has been recreated as a cloud synching service. Remember when you first used a word processor? Now word processors have been reinvented as cloud writing apps that automatically save your work for you.The world of publishing student work has changed too. Students are no longer confined to writing journals or reports that will only be read by the teacher. Now they can blog about their findings, so their research can be published for a much wider audience. Group reports have always been a challenge, because it is difficult to tell how much each student contributes to the report.

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