Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Picador (October 28, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1250043689
ISBN-13: 978-1250043689
Product Dimensions: 5.7 x 1.3 x 8.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (15 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #492,722 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #46 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Stamps #22400 in Books > History > Americas > United States
The author has produced a very clear view of many events that he believes have shaped our country and our culture. Until you read his reasoning for choosing some of the stamp issues, you might find some of his choices to be outside the norm. Because Mr. West has done his homework by drilling down to the story, the human story that each of us can relate to, you certainly don't need to be an historian or a philatelist to enjoy the book. You will find the book an easy read I have purchased multiple copies to give as gifts to people who enjoy a wide variety of genres.
What an entertaining journey through time! The author's wit and personality add to an enjoyable read. Very clever, not just for historians or philatelists-could see schools using this for a teaching tool.Pick up a few copies, read and give to your favorite people/school.
This is the most amazing book I have read in a very long time. West, who I believe is British, gives us a quick but extremely detailed history of our own country in readable, amusing, and politically neutral terms. I have read a lot of history, but I learn something new on almost every page. It is hard not to read passages aloud to whoever is unfortunate enough to be nearby. This is a book every one who has any interest at all in how we came to be the nation that we are MUST read.
As with his work organizing modern British history through 36 stamps, this work provides a good overview for the general readers as well as some interesting insights and opinions of interest to any student of history.
I have finished two remarkable books by Chris West:[...]"A History of Britain in Thirty-Six Postage Stamps""A History of America in Thirty-Six Postage Stamps"Remarkable because they are concise, interesting and *entertaining*. I never found "history" to be entertaining in school.Although every chapter begins with (and is illustrated by) a postage stamp (Did you know 33 billion (yes, billion) copies of the Penny Lilac, 1881 were issued?), most of the chapters are dedicated to what was going on (in Britain & America & around the world) at the time of issue.
Some history books can be quite a slog and boringly pedantic, but this book gives a lot of historical information in a very entertaining way. It's almost like having dinner with a very knowledgeable and witty friend! I am very interested in American history, as well as postage stamps. I have been making jewelry out of them for about 4 years. Stamps are art and history and geography rolled into a tiny masterpiece. Mr. West uses them as a springboard to highlight the events that formed this country. I enjoyed it very much.
Save your money. This book is nothing more than a leftist political rant. His selection of stamps is less than impressive and he should read up on "The China Syndrome" it has nothing to do with what he thinks it is. Instead, for a "history book" with no political agenda buy "An American History Album ISBN 978-1-77085-120-7".
I am enjoying the book and I think that it would be interesting even for people who do not collect stamps
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