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Android Studio Development Essentials: Android 6 Edition

Fully updated for Android 6, the goal of this book is to teach the skills necessary to develop Android based applications using the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and the Android 6 Software Development Kit (SDK).Beginning with the basics, this book provides an outline of the steps necessary to set up an Android development and testing environment. An overview of Android Studio is included covering areas such as tool windows, the code editor and the Designer tool. An introduction to the architecture of Android is followed by an in-depth look at the design of Android applications and user interfaces using the Android Studio environment. More advanced topics such as database management, content providers and intents are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, camera access and the playback and recording of both video and audio. This edition of the book also covers printing, transitions and cloud-based file storage. The concepts of material design are also covered in detail, including the use of floating action buttons, Snackbars, tabbed interfaces, card views, navigation drawers and collapsing toolbars.In addition to covering general Android development techniques, the book also includes Google Play specific topics such as implementing maps using the Google Maps Android API, in-app billing and submitting apps to the Google Play Developer Console.Chapters also cover advanced features of Android Studio such as Gradle build configuration and the implementation of build variants to target multiple Android device types from a single project code base.Assuming you already have some Java programming experience, are ready to download Android Studio and the Android SDK, have access to a Windows, Mac or Linux system and ideas for some apps to develop, you are ready to get started.

File Size: 7510 KB

Print Length: 712 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1519722087

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: eBookFrenzy; 1 edition (December 6, 2015)

Publication Date: December 6, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #85,158 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #32 in Books > Computers & Technology > Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers > Programming & App Development #983 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming #82296 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks

[Disclaimer: I received a free copy from the publisher.]Pros:- Things are explained before, when, and after they are done.- Parameters are usually explained, at least in passing.- Chapters are bite-sized, each explaining a concept.- Example projects with easy, step-by-step instructions are in nearly every chapter.- Lots of screenshots to help you follow along.Cons:- (Minor) Writing style can be awkward at times.I've been looking for a good book on Android. It's hard as almost all are out of date shortly after publication, and most of them say "do this now do that" and expect you to learn from doing. Some explain, but the explanations are more of the approach and what will be done, rather than why each thing is being done or why it is used over alternative approaches.Luckily, i found this book. Originally, i ignored the it due to the stupid cover design (no, really, and yes, i know) and came to it later. Well, at first i had found the Android 5 edition (Android Studio Development Essentials: Android 5 Edition). lists the date (there) of the first edition (even though they were selling the second edition) and Techtopia has the entire second edition online. (Even though there are ads to purchase it, i confirmed with the publisher that it is the full edition.) Anyway, the book looked good. So, i emailed the publisher to find out if there was an updated version. Well, the author was working on it just then, and it was becoming available shortly afterward. Sweet.From a technical perspective, this book is far above the competition.

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