File Size: 2175 KB
Print Length: 205 pages
Publisher: iOS Guides (September 15, 2014)
Publication Date: September 15, 2014
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #244,893 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #64 in Books > Computers & Technology > Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers > iPhone #197 in Books > Computers & Technology > Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers > Handheld & Mobile Devices #287 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Hardware
Good but needs a couple of things to rate a 5 star. The most glaring omission is the lack of a table of contents or an index. Who writes a technical or reference manual and doesn't put a table of contents in it or an index? You need one or the other. That makes this a difficult book to really use effectively. I liked that it didn't overwhelm you with a lot of technical detail. Having said that there were some sections that could use more detail on how to do more of the complicated things. All in all it was a good primer to read before getting the iphone 6 with iOS8.
It helps a lot !! A Real laid-out instruction sheet still is needed, especially for non-teenagers and other than clever tech people - like Old people brought up with slow reading of paper and full instruction booklets that were packaged in with the product. Like myself.Why only 3 stars?This guide was written along with the iPhone, in its atmosphere of technology. At one point I looked up an explanation for something very basic. What did I find? - A note to the effect that since this action was so basic, so "obvious" (yeah - to us antiques?) that the Guide would skip over and continue to the next item. It was bragging that really this Guide is not necessary after all - and the iPhone is built in a way to be completely intuitive. (Any idiot can figure this out. If you can't then go back to your house phone attached to the ATandT wall socket.)
A good but very chatty view of the latest version of the iPhone. Very good and comprehensive. Major down side is the lack of an antiquate index - not much tolerance for hopping around for what interests ME but otherwise a fairly complete examination of 6 in the order the author thinks best :-)..
There was as much information on the history of the iPhone as there was useful new information. Plenty of typos, no mention of ApplePay - the only saving grace (small) was that it was published quickly.
This is a nice little guide to get you started. It lacks an adequate index and could well have a well thought out troubleshooting section that tells the new user how to deal with all those annoying little things that are not obvious.
I am a Senior and far from a tech person. Most of what was in this I did know but it did teach me a couple new tricks. Not bad for a reference if you are not a wiz at all this new stuff.
Very straightforward, covers all the bases and useful (in the kindle edition anyway) when you want to go back and forth to apply what you've learned.
Guide very well written. However, it was not as comprehensive of the new features as I would have liked.
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