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Alkaline Drinks: Original Alkaline Smoothies, Juices And Teas- Rebalance Your PH In 7 Days Or Less (Alkaline Diet, Alkaline Recipes, Alkaline Smoothies, Plant Based Book 5)

Amazingly Delicious Alkaline Drinks and Tips for Total Body&Mind TransformationDetoxify Your Body, Increase Your Energy Levels and (if desired) Lose Weight NaturallyDiscover 100% NATURAL ALKALINE ENERGIZERS! (45 recipes + bonus content included)Sick and tired of dieting? Looking for something simple that actually works?Good news: Unlike other diets that are obsessed about counting calories, the Alkaline Diet focuses on restoring the body and mind balance so that your body can heal itself naturally. Personally, I find it pretty stressful to keep up with counting calories, and with the alkaline diet, doing so is completely unnecessary! Few people realize that REAL ENERGY is waiting for us, hidden in alkaline veggies, fruits and herbs. These may be used to create amazing and energizing alkaline drinks - smoothies, juices and herbal infusions - that are caffeine-free and rich in nutrients that our bodies so desperately need.100% NATURAL ALKALINE ENERGIZERS ARE WAITING FOR YOU!You can finally:•Rejuvenate your body and mind with 100% natural alkaline smoothies.•Help your body maintain its optimal pH and heal itself through nutrient rich, dairy-free, sugar-free alkaline-forming drinksHERE IS PREVIEW OF WHAT YOU ARE JUST ABOUT TO LEARN:•The Alkaline Diet- the Common Sense Approach (not pseudoscience)•The Motivational Factor: How to take action right now and start enjoying better quality of life tomorrow- or even today!•Tips to including alkaline drinks in your daily routine and making them a part of your lifestyle;•A SOS Shopping List (for those really pressed for time and need to rebalance yourself);•The “20/80” Rule - keeping a healthy alkaline balance; •Stop the excuses – “I thought it was healthy” – by learning which fruits are acid forming and should be reduced for optimal health results;•How to adjust the Alkaline Diet according to your own lifestyle - everyone is different and their diet should be too; and•The BEST part - the best alkaline drink recipes for you to try and enjoy for visible results - your lifestyle can inspire other people!Do you bounce out of bed in the mornings, or do you continue pressing the snooze button for just a few more moments of sleep? Are you able to get through the day without feeling fatigued?Do you suffer from any ailments? Disease? Can’t lose weight even though you count calories and follow the latest “dieting” fad?Here’s the good news: you don’t have to continue suffering. But…You have to make the right choice now. The solution is just in front of you.That is what this book is all about. Alkaline smoothies are a great, holistic tool to help you alkalize your body to achieve your health goals so you can be the person you want to be. They are a great way to add more healthy, alkaline foods into your diet that will help you eradicate:• Illness• Disease• Excess WeightPerhaps you suffer from fatigue, aches and pains, and stiffness, or perhaps you would like to lose weight. You’ve been to doctors and taken medication, but for the life of you, you just can’t understand what’s making you feel worse than you should be feeling. You have been told to get used to it. Swallow another pill.If that’s the case, you have the power to change it.How would other areas of your life (work, social, family) improve if you could just have more energy and finally create the body you want?Within the pages of this book, you will learn all of the steps you need to take to guarantee you start tomorrow in BETTER shape than you are right now.Take positive action and transform your body and mind with Alkalinity Want to find out more? I hope to “see you” inside my book. Scroll up the page and click on the buy button!

File Size: 2002 KB

Print Length: 100 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1508486441

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Holistic Wellness Project LTD; 1 edition (February 12, 2015)

Publication Date: February 12, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #40,895 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #8 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diseases & Physical Ailments > Endocrine System #12 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Cancer #31 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Special Conditions

This book is a great introduction to alkaline drinks! It really appeared to me at the right time! I am usually not an alcohol drinker, and I was invited by a friend to have some glasses of wine. I felt extremely intoxicated afterwards with lots of acid burn, and was desperate to eliminate all the toxins away fast! So I grabbed this book and picked a juice recipe, which I ate as a cold soup. The following hours, I felt much better, and all the acid burn was gone! I also learned many new things in this book concerning alkaline and acidic food, which I never used to pay attention to in the past. I am really looking forward to discover more books from Marta Tuchowska, and live the Alkaline life! The author really writes in a very nice, warm, and friendly way!

As always, Marta provides solid, easy to follow advice in this book. I am definitely trying her idea for cutting out the coffee and caffeine. She has a great approach, using her personal style. It makes the reader feel like you are talking to a friend as well as a professional. The recipes are easy to follow and the list is so handy. I already put it on my fridge and made a small one for my purse to reference when I go to the store for my produce. I even got my husband to try a few of the smoothies and he actually liked them. Since reading this, I am convinced I can improve my health and energy levels by eating and drinking more alkaline foods. Great book, all the way around.

Marta always delivers high quality wellbeing books. And she does this again! ....we are generally not conscious about the problems of acidity, and its real causes. This book teaches you how to choose more alkaline food, and how to combine both, alkaline and acidic food without harm.What surprised me the most in this book was to learn that there are some foods and drinks, which are usually considered to be healthy and healing, where in fact extremely acidic.......and might cause us more harm than good. I have been suffering from acidity, and this book made me realise the cause of my problem, and how to prevent acidity from occurring. I really like the fact that Marta is not imposing, and that there is total freedom to choose.You can still consume your favourite acidic foods and drinks with moderation.Last but not least, there are delicious juices, teas and smoothies recipes that will help you detox and have more energy!Grab this latest super detailed book now!

An interesting book that has some great recipe ideas. I think it could do with a good edit however, especially looking at ingredient amounts - 1 cup of coconut cream in one drink seems a bit much, and made my liver do handstands at the idea! Also, you'll need to be rather rich to afford the big quantities of ingredients in a drink.But all that aside, I'm prepared to do it if I'm going to look like the image on the cover.

Having read a few books from the author. I knew that this would be another great work of art.The amount of knowledge inside this book is very valuable. I had heard about the Alkaline drinks but never actually followed through for a part of my daily diet.My favorite sections were:-The “20/80” Rule - keeping a healthy alkaline balance;-Stop the excuses – “I thought it was healthy”-How to adjust the Alkaline Diet according to your own lifestyleWorth the purchase. I highly endorse this book.

I think the book is overpriced for the amount of recipes you get. I like some of the recipes; although I would caution about calorie count on some. The book is good and if you need a quick start to get some drink recipes, it will do. I think you could probably just search online and find the recipes. My biggest complaint, however, is the cover. My fault for not paying attention when I ordered, but I would never have ordered this book because of the cover. Why does there need to be a picture of a women's butt sticking out barely covered? I found it very distasteful and I wouldn't even want to have this book laying around on my counter. You can comment all you want and thumbs down my review, but not all of us want to see that on our kitchen counter. Sorry, but really tacky.Update: Ms. Tuchowska has replied to my above feedback and is re-designing her cover and adding some more recipes. Good for her. I updated my review for the future book without the offensive cover. It is all about being healthy and looking good for us, we don't need to have a thong in our face for advertisement. Let's stop objectifying women!!!

Good information and alkaline drinks recipes!A few days ago my husband bought me an alcoholic beverage and after drinking 3/4 of it, I began to feel unwell. This never happened to me before. Later on, I got a copy of this book to find out why I felt that way, now I totally understand and was also able to use one of the alkaline drinks to eliminate all the toxins in my body.

Alkaline Drinks is an impressive guide that talks about all aspects of healthy with the focus on alkaline juicing and smoothies. The author offers lots of links and source pumping which ads credibility to this self help guide.The book is written in an organized fashion with foods listed by food groups and recipes to follow that are creative and easy. The only piece missing for me was the nutritional information but that's Cuz I'm a nutrition freak! LolGreat book to get you on the path to great health. Nice job!

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