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KETO Smoothies And Drinks: A Starter Kit For A Healthy Lifestyle And Fast Weight Loss In 14 Days (Ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Diet For Weight Loss)

KETO Smoothies and DrinksGet Started With Ketogenic Diet and Build A Healthy New Body *** INCLUDES BONUS FOR ALL READERS IN THE BOOK!!! *** You can read this book on your Kindle device, smart phone, tablet, mac or PC You have heard of Ketogenic diet and all its benefits but you are still not ready to commit to it? This book is a great starter-kit for those who want an easy and fast way to experience what a Ketogenic diet will be before committing fully to it. This book is also for those who have tried Ketogenic Diet but wanted more recipes for breakfast, smoothies, salad and drinks. This book has been carefully written, the recipes are specially chosen and arranged to help you make healthier diet choices. Firstly, this Starter Kit contains many simple, delicious and very low carb recipes to kick-start your day with a healthy Ketogenic breakfast. It also contain easy to prepare smoothie recipes to help you lose weight and staying away from other junk food. In order to stay healthy and to lose a few inches for your waistline, it is important to stay away from unnaturally sweet carbonated drinks. As a substitute for those unhealthy drinks, this book provides you with several revitalising drinks that will energise you throughout your day without worry about your waistline. By the end of 14 days, you will realise obvious weight loss and the many other benefits of following a Ketogenic diet. You are about to discover how to eat healthily and slim down easily. READ THIS BOOK. It will change your life forever! Get This Book Now and Learn To Cook: Clean Power Smoothies: Sunrise Clean Smoothie Green Clean Smoothie Blue-Banana Smoothie And more Easy Salad: Avocado and Blue Cheese Salad Fried Green Tomatoes Red Leaf peppered Salad And more Healthy Kick Start Breakfast: Chia Pudding Spinach Frittata Pizza Waffles Clean power OatmealAnd more Detox Clean Water Drinks: Blackberry Spritzer Cucumber Water Watermelon Cooler And more Need To Eat Right? Use this book to try out 14 days of mouthwatering recipes which is nutritious and easy to prepare. TAKE ACTION NOW! Scroll to the top and click the orange BUY button! *** BONUS FOR ALL READERS IN THE BOOK!!! *** Tags: Ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Diet for Beginners, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic Diet, Weight Loss, Low Carb,Superfood, Ultimate Diet, Diet Books, paleo diet, dash diet, ketogenic diet, mediterranean diet, weight loss, weight loss motivation, weight loss for women, weight loss tips, weight loss smoothies, weight loss stories, weight loss books,Ketogenic recipes, Ketogenic diet recipes, Keto recipes, Keto diet, Keto, diabetes, epilepsy, LCHF, dinner, breakfast, lunch, High Fat Low Carb, Paleo, Grain-Free, Sugar-Free, Starch-Free, Rapid Weight Loss, Fat Loss, Lose Weight Fast, Ketosis, Dieting, Keto, Ketogenesis, Keto Smoothies, Smoothies for Weight Loss, Low Carb Smoothies, Ketogenic Smoothies, Ketogenic breakfast, Ketogenic salad, ketogenic drinks, Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan.

File Size: 209 KB

Print Length: 69 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: August 30, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #269,511 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #115 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Diets > Ketogenic #144 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Ketogenic #170 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Ketogenic

I found a few good recipes here but was put off by the poor editing. One recipe called for lemons in the ingredient list, but did not mention lemons again in the directions. Instead it said to add the apples to the mixture, but apples had not been included in the ingredients list. Another recipe called for me to pre-heat my oven to 200 degrees, but then instructed me to fry the tomatoes in a frying pan. There were many more examples like that.I love that many people have the opportunity to self-publish books. I've discovered some wonderful new writers who have self-published books that might not have gotten published by a traditional publisher. But it is incredibly frustrating and distracting when a book is poorly edited and proofread, and I have to try to figure out what the author MEANT to say.If you want to publish a book, PLEASE put the time and energy into proofreading it. At the very least get a friend who has good language arts skills to proof your work before you publish it. Ideally, hire a professional editor. It's hard to take a book seriously when it is poorly written. Even cookbooks and other how-to books should employ good grammar and be well constructed.

A short yet detailed written instructions on losing diets! Keto smoothies and drinks is really a starter kit for a healthy lifestyle and an efficient way to loss weight in few days!Though there are many different kinds of diet plan and it could all be confusing, hard to follow plans.This is the right resource for those who are in need of the right plan - Ketogenic plan that include breakfast, smoothies, salad and detox drinks.Ketogenic is basically a low carb diet with sufficient amount of proteins and very high fats. It's very effective with a high tendency of making your body burn away fats effectively.This is a great book with an effective approach to losing weight!!!

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