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Juice It To Lose It: Lose Weight And Feel Great In Just 5 Days

Jump-Start Your Life in Just Five Days!Juice It to Lose It is the all-new, easy juice diet from The New York Times best-selling author and creator of the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Joe Cross has done all the hard work already--all you have to do is commit to five short days! In that time, this simple, foolproof plan--complete with recipes--will jump-start a change in your life, health, and waistline.Our bodies are built to feel and look energized, vibrant, happy, and healthy. But if we eat too many processed foods, we begin to feel and look sluggish. When that happens, our bodies are often slow to reset themselves the way they should. Joe's juice kick-start will help you get back to the way you're supposed to feel by knocking out all the junk that's clogging your system.The shopping lists, meal plans, and encouragement from Joe in Juice It to Lose It! will make it simple and fun for you to fill up on the nutrient-dense, sunlight-nourished foods that will help restore your body's balance. Whether you're a long-time follower of Joe's juicing diets or looking for a brand new way to turn your health around, Juice It to Lose It is here to help with a fresh look at juicing. Give it five days, and you will see and feel the power of juicing!

File Size: 1250 KB

Print Length: 192 pages

Publisher: Reboot Press (May 10, 2016)

Publication Date: May 10, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #71,077 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #70 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Diets > Low Fat #78 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Beverages & Wine > Juices & Smoothies #246 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Weight Loss

Juice It to Lose It begins like his other books as he shares his own wake up call moment which changed his life for the better. What's great about what comes next is Joe breaks down the excuses we give for ourselves, the waiting game we play with ourselves while we end up gaining more weight instead of losing it. He tells us why these excuses are invalid before telling us the benefits of the 5 day reboot that's ahead in the book.Once you get on board, I like that he lays out a plan for a 5 day reboot where you only consume fruits and vegetables as juices all day, each day and a modified version where you consume fruit and vegetables as juices for breakfast and lunch while eating a plant based dinner.He also lays out the difference between blending and juicing (I'm more of a blender myself though that's only because I don't currently have a juicer), bottled juice and fresh juice, buying cost effective fruits and vegetables for the reboot, customizing your reboot for health conditions (diabetes, thyroid conditions, allergies), and what to expect from your body which I think a lot of people will especially appreciate.What I really loved was the prep work for before the reboot...transitioning into the reboot by (one example) refraining from junk food, white flour, sugar, desserts and fried food during the week before the reboot. So it's not like on the day before the reboot, you're stuffing yourself with as much fast food as possible because you think you can never have it again. It's a transition and it's not going to be easy at first but it will be worth it and we are all worth it even when we do go off course. The key is not to stay off course.So here comes the reboot! First, there's the ingredients list.

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