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Form & Function: American Modernist Jewelry, 1940-1970

This book is the catalog for two of the first major exhibits to show only modernist jewelry from such a broad group of artists. Both take place in 2008 in Fort Wayne, Indiana: one at The Fort Wayne Museum of Art (May 2 to August 24) and the other at The

Hardcover: 256 pages

Publisher: Schiffer Publishing (May 1, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0764329766

ISBN-13: 978-0764329760

Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 1.2 x 11.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (2 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,245,395 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #419 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Jewelry #159103 in Books > History

What a book! Just when you think you know our American Jewelry Modernists, Marbeth gives us her second book and so much more to appreciate. Her indepth knowledge of their lives and the delish jewelry photography makes one wish we owned them all. For decades without knowing about these Marvy Modernists, I have shared their passion for manipulating metal in my own primitive manner, never knowing that one day they would be introduced to me and their work would bring me such joy in the form of Marbeth's Modernist Movement Jewelry books. Collectors of vintage and contemporary Made in USA signed studio jewelry this, Ms Schon's second, is a must addition to any jewelry book library! Own it and enjoy!

Summarizing my other review would seem redundant so I refer to it. We are all in her debt for the pioneering effort and scholarship. Her untimely death a great loss.Stephen H. Borkowski, ChairmanProvincetown Historical Commission

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