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NOOK HD: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)

You can do many things with NOOK HD right out of the box, but if you really want to get the most from your HD or HD+ tablet, start with this book. With clear instructions, full-color illustrations, and savvy advice from technology expert Preston Gralla, you’ll learn how to use email and the Web, watch movies and shows, play games, listen to music, and enjoy your personal ebook library.The important stuff you need to know:Relax with a book. Load your NOOK library with ebooks, comics, and interactive books for kids.Play with apps. Enjoy the games and apps everyone’s talking about.Go online. Browse the Web and check your email with built-in WiFi.Be social. Share books and recommendations with your NOOK Friends, and Facebook and Twitter contacts.Take in a show. Watch movies and TV series, and listen to your favorite music anywhere.Read all about it. Subscribe to a variety of magazines and newspapers.

File Size: 41519 KB

Print Length: 496 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 2 edition (February 11, 2013)

Publication Date: February 12, 2013

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #1,123,795 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #77 in Books > Computers & Technology > Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers > E-Readers #264 in Books > Computers & Technology > Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers > Tablets #394 in Books > Reference > Writing, Research & Publishing Guides > Publishing & Books > Book Industry

Rarely is the first guide on the market the best guide for a product. The NOOK HD was released in November in time for the holiday buying season and many publishers rushed their books out to either beat Christmas or position themselves to be one of the few search results that would come up when the newly minted and confused NOOK HD owners came to (or Barnes and Nobel I guess since this is a Nook product we're talking about) looking for help.The result was as expected some guides were apparently based on beta software that didn't reflect what was shipped with the final NOOK HD. Other guides got the big picture, but didn't take the time to do the appropriate research and lacked depth.If you were disappointed by guides like this in the past or if you've held out for that elusive, comprehensive, beautifully laid out NOOK HD guide wait no longer. The NOOK HD Missing Manual is that book. I'm going to try to avoid being cliché by saying it should be the manual that shipped with the Nook because frankly it's a hefty (well over 400 pages), but it would be amazing if it had been preloaded and just popped up the first time you turned on the device.If you've read any of the Missing Manual series before you'll know what to expect in terms of layout and commentary, but if you're new to the series you're in for a treat. Bolded keywords, full color HD screenshots, and clearly labeled "Notes" and "Tips" make finding the exact content you're looking for a breeze. The table of contents is broken down into quite small sections and the index is about as comprehensive as they come. All of that means that if you just want to use this as a reference guide you can, but I'm not sure you'll want to. The best part about the Missing Manual series for me is the commentary.

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