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GREEK MYTHOLOGY: Greek Gods Of Ancient Greece And Other Greek Myths - Discovering Greek History & Mythology - 3rd Edition - With Pics (Greece, Greek, Egyptian ... Greek History, Mythology, Myths Book 1)

☆★☆ BONUS - Find Your Greek Gods Family Tree Inside This Book - Download Now! ☆★☆Discover the Amazing World and Compelling Mythology of the Ancient Greeks! - 3rd Edition -No matter how much time has passed, the stories told by the Ancient Greek people still have relevance today! Have you ever wished you were more educated on the myths of Ancient and Classical Greece?Greek Mythology takes you on an amazing journey of discovery, as you learn about the Titans, Olympians, and Heroes of old. You'll learn how the primordial forces came together to shape the world. You'll also learn the fascinating tales of how the Titans clashed with each other and the Olympians that came after them. Also, you'll learn about the heroic adventures of the mighty Heracles!This interesting book includes information on over 25 different characters of Ancient Greek mythology. You can search for your favorite names, and learn all about their legendary lives and accomplishments. You'll also find out what concepts and lifestyles each deity is related to!Enjoy the ancient legends of Zeus, Athena, Heracles, and many others! Download GREEK MYTHOLOGY - Discovering Greek Mythology (Ancient Greece, Titans, Gods, Zeus, Hercules) NOW to find out about this fascinating culture and its enrapturing mythology!You'll be so glad you did!

File Size: 2511 KB

Print Length: 123 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: April 25, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #208,200 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #28 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Popular Culture #63 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Popular Culture #166 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > World > Civilization & Culture

This book was fun and interesting to read. I love learning new things especially about Greek mythology. I found this book and at first I am hesitant to purchase this book because I taught this book was the same to the other books that I read about Greek mythology but I was wrong. This book will provide us everything we need to learn about Greek mythology. The whole content of the book was well explained and concise. I learned here the different role and contributions of each gods and goddesses. I learned a lot! I wholeheartedly recommend this book for everyone. Fantastic book!

I like Greek mythology so much. Generally, I am interested in any mythology. I crave to know much about it. But, of course #1 for me is Greek mythology. So, I decided to get this book and find out what new things I will read. Thanks! I was impressed!

I’ve always been enthralled in Greek Mythology because they have a lot of interesting celestial beings and the stories surrounding them are enchanting. That’s why when I saw this book, I immediately downloaded it and I didn’t regret having it on my kindle archive. The author of this book has described each and every celestial being and what role they portrayed. Though I have read various Greek mythology stories, I didn’t know that the celestial beings were divided into three tiers namely: The Titans, The Olympians and The Heroes. The bottom-line is, this book is a good read, and the only thing that didn’t suit well for me is there were a few images that were not shown in the book. An “x” mark was shown there instead. I think it has something to do with the format of the images.

I really love historical myths, especially those that seem to be never end. Greek Mythology has always been one of the most interesting topics ever created, it always gets me every time. This book talks about the origins of everything during the reign of the Gods, it talks about almost everything there is to know. It has all the names and their connection to each other, what I loved about this books is that it has so many theories and each of them are truly intriguing. This book is such a good read if you wanna lose time, every page is a new world. I highly recommend this to everyone.

It is very interesting to discover the stories surrounding ancient Greece, Titans, the gods, heroes and everything else the Greek mythology is known for. As Greek culture is one of the oldest cultures in the history and as a history buff I love reading about Greek mythology in particular. In this book I found great stories concentrated around Greek mythology. I believe this to be one of the keys in understanding the mindset, not only of these ancient people, but of our modern world as well. It's nice to know that this kind of mythology has persisted this long. It was a very interesting book that offers fresh ideas from the past.

Greek Mythology has always fascinated me . The stories about gods and goddesses always leave me intrigued. I have seen quite a number of films inspired by the Greek literature and I always get hooked. All the other books that I have read are so long I feel quite lazy to finish them. But this one is just right. I think this book is good for people who are just started to be fond of Greek Mythology because it is not an overwhelming read.Oh and by the way, my ever favorite characters are Zeus and Hera. Zeus’ unfaithfulness drives Hera mad and showing her wrath to his bastards and mistresses has always been interesting. Lol.

When I bought this book, I didn't have much knowledge about greek mythology, but I've always been curious about it. I really enjoyed the details in this book and the number characters it talked about. It help shed some light on some of the myths I've heard and brought out the truths instead. The only drawback is it read a bit like a mini biography for each character and I was hoping for a more cohesive story that flowed from character to character. However, the information offered was still ver relevant and I learned a lot!

This book presents the history of Greek Mythology in a manner that allows the reader understand Greek history while remaining engaged. While most of us know the stories of Zeus, Aphrodites and Hermes, it was nice to read about some of the other important gods that are part of Greek history. The illustrations in the book are a nice addition but needs to be reviewed since some of them were not visable. Otherwise, this book provides a nice foundation to get started in your quest to increase your knowledge about Greek Mythology and the associated myths.

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