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Kindle Paperwhite User Manual: Guide To Enjoying Your E-reader (Updated For 2013)

Updated in November 2013 with extensive sections for all new Kindle Paperwhite model!Are you a Kindle Paperwhite owner who wants to figure out all of the features, tips and ways to get the most out of your E-reader? Do you struggle with the navigation functions or managing your books on the Paperwhite? This helpful new guide by bestselling eBook author Shelby Johnson will present comfortable and convenient descriptions of how to use Kindle Paperwhite with all its great features!Inside this Kindle Paperwhite user's guide, you'll find:- How to navigate the Paperwhite and its menus.- Screenshots to illustrate the various sections of your Paperwhite.- Explanations of the various features the device has and how to use them.- Tips and tricks to optimize the use of your device including how to create a backup on both the Cloud and your computer.- Troubleshooting for common issues- How to find free eBooks for your device- What accessories to buy to keep your device looking and running great!The Paperwhite is a great E-reader, but it can take some getting used to, just like any other new tech gadget. With this inexpensive and valuable how-to guide, you'll get more enjoyment from your Kindle E-reader and have an easy-to-use reference for your device! Whether you are a novice who wants tips for touching the screen to an advanced user who wants to know how to take a screenshot or make a backup, there will be helpful information in this easy-to-navigate guide for you!

File Size: 1445 KB

Print Length: 96 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0615865054

Publication Date: January 25, 2013

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #580,190 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #40 in Books > Computers & Technology > Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers > E-Readers #733 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Hardware #748 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > Two hours or more (65-100 pages) > Computers & Technology

I have the Kindle Paperwrite manual on the Kindle Paperwrite, and a major problem with this book is that it is not available in print. It is almost impossible to use a manual for a reader that it references, since one is then reading on the device about how to use the device. I now have to look for a printed book that may help me to use the Kindle Paperwrite.

I've been reading about the Kindle Paperwhite on 's product page and while it lists all the features, it doesn't really tell you much more than that, or if it will be easy to use. As a bit of a thrifty, self confessed 'technophob' I didn't want to spend that much money if I thought I couldn't use it, but I do love to read, so I wanted answers. That's where this guide comes in!In the course of my research on the product, I came across this manual and boy am I glad that I did! The author has covered absolutely everything! She doesn't just describe the features, she goes into great detail, in a step by step fashion, so that you can follow along and understand how to make use of the features and what their benefits are too.For example, explaining how to use features such as the dictionary, sharing to social networks, tapping in to real time community comments on the book you are reading, surfing the web, making collections, taking screenshots and even the approximate time it'll take to finish a chapter! But for me the most impressive thing that I hadn't realised is that you can send any sort of file to your kindle paperwhite from everywhere via a kindle email that you get when you register the device!Particularly helpful for me will be the in depth troubleshooting section. I know I will need it at some point! Now that I have this manual, I know I can follow along and get the most out of my Kindle Paperwhite...yes I have made my decision...I'm getting one! Many thanks to the author. I highly recommend you get this manual.

The paperwhite is such a fine device that it deserves much better users manual. Not enough specifics and too much time spent on infrequently used functions

This E-book has some great information about the Paperwhite, like how to disable the recommended content bar on the home page. As for free eBooks is nice place for free kindle books from . On this website you can get a free $20 gift card by earning points. One way is to log in once a day. After reading this manual, it has made me want a Kindle Paperwhite even more.

The directions are awesome. I would highly recommend buying it when you buy the device because (for some of us) the operation of the kindle is not intuitive-- should just include it as part of the package and not make it an optional item.

I received the Kindle Paperwhite for my birthday, but didn't know how to use it, so I bought this user manual. I found it very helpful, and with this manual was using my Kindle the very same day! So glad I stumbled upon this manual, it is very well organized, easy to follow and understand. So glad to be able to use my Kindle, I have wanted one for so long!

I managed to figure out pretty much everything I needed to use my Paperwhite on my own. But I was aware that it could do so much I "borrowed" this ebook as part of the Prime lending program. Just one read-through taught me plenty of useful and fun things I hadn't even known about. For instance, while I prefer to see my book titles in a list, there's also a way to get pictures of the covers instead. Although it turned out to be incredibly simple to do, I hadn't known how before.There was also a lot in this book that went over my head, but those were things I don't need and I doubt that I ever will. Like making screenshots...the technique is easy, but then you still have to send them to your computer if you want to share them with someone else. So that's probably nothing I'll ever use, although I can certainly see how it could be useful.Like other reviewers, I found it a bit awkward to have to try out the techniques while reading the book! But it was doable. Everything I tried worked exactly the way the author said it would. The directions were generally clear and correct. There were only a few things that I wish the book had explained better or differently. But honestly? I think for real problems, you will get 5-star advice from the the website Kindleboards (kboards). This website exists to help people with their problems and you get people with great experience answering your questions directly.

Good and helpful to begin a new project with new equipment.Liked being able to download on all my devices

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