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Kindle Unlimited: A Guide For Your Questions And Information For You (Kindle User Guides Book 1)

Do you have questions about Kindle Unlimited?Kindle Unlimited is 's 'all-you-can-eat' subscription offering for books. We receive plenty of questions about Kindle Unlimited. We sorted through all the questions, organized them, and present the answers to your questions in a readable way.In this book you'll find:The good points about Kindle UnlimitedHow Kindle Unlimited works for you, the readerHow Kindle Unlimited works for authorsUsing Audiobooks with Kindle UnlimitedFeatures of competitors to Kindle UnlimitedAnd one little-known secret about Kindle Ebooks!Buy this book today to learn more about Kindle Unlimited!

File Size: 2015 KB

Print Length: 28 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Toppings Publishing (March 2, 2015)

Publication Date: March 2, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #239,303 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #15 in Books > Computers & Technology > Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers > E-Readers #168 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Reference > Consumer Guides #188 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Education & Teaching > Teacher Resources > Computers & Technology

I am already a Kindle Unlimited subscriber but was curious to see what this book might say about it since I am familiar with the author. I was very pleased to find that the book went above and beyond my expectations. I've been a KU member for awhile and even then, I learned several things from this book that seemed almost like insider information. I had wondered if my membership was worth it even though I do read a lot of books. Some I have obtained have been filled with errors and others have been absolute sterling. This one was more than that. It had so much useful info in it that I highlighted about half of the book to come back and look at again, and decided I needed to own a copy.There were advantages for audible books that I wasn't entirely aware of and did not know how to take advantage of, so I gained that knowledge. I didn't realize how many alternatives there were to KU or why some are much better than others. I am likely to add to my reading choices after what I gained from that. Even then, some alternatives I won't bother with after I came to understand how they work.Another thing I learned clearly is how authors benefit from putting their books on KU. This was of interest to me for several reasons, and among them I had no idea that some books I partially read to recommend them to others didn't give the author due credit. I am glad to learn this since only few pages more would have given those authors their due and I am really big on people getting appropriate benefits for their work. I really appreciate from what I learned and strongly recommend getting this book on KU and purchasing it if you think you'll go back to it for reference.

Was confused with the various membership programs that has for the avid reader and this book provides a great comparison. The author went all the way to provide comparison between programs that are similar to Kindle Unlimited too!I was skeptical at the beginning as I was expecting the author to be biased in his comparisons, but he managed to remain pretty objective.Loved the book borrowing and purchasing secrets as well as lesser known functions that the author have revealed.I am quite certain that this comprehensive guide is sufficient in helping you make a decision on if the Kindle Unlimited is actually suitable for you.Will definitely recommend all avid readers who are contemplating to get the Kindle Unlimited subscription, to read this guide before you make your decision!

This book tells us talks about the use of Kindle Unlimited and its purpose. It gives explanation on what we should expect of Kindle Unlimited as a reader, how it works for authors, and instructions on how to check books from Kindle Unlimited. What I found fascinating about Kindle Unlimited is that, it can be used to make kids learn to love reading. It was explained in the book that Kindle Unlimited makes it easier to read different stories to kids every night because books can be sampled. Instructions on how to get started with Kindle Unlimited are also explained in the book and the rules on how many books at a time are allowed. This is a book full of information on how Kindle Unlimited works.

I don't have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, but I have always been curious about how it works. This book explained the pros and cons of using Kindle Unlimited, as well as how to sign up and get started. Mr. Peter gives some compelling reasons for signing up with Kindle Unlimited, such as being able to download and read 10 books at a time. He pointed out that this is the perfect way to sample new authors without having to take the risk of purchasing the book individually. If you don't like a particular book, you can just return it and get another book. You also get 3 book credits you can use towards audible (audio books) when you use Kindle Unlimited. You don't automatically receive the credits, but Mr. Peters explains how to go about obtaining your credits. Mr. Peter gives his honest opinion about the program and how the program benefits his entire family. I definitely recommend this book if you are considering a subscription for Kindle Unlimited because it will explain everything you need to know.

I bought this bought because I was not familiar Kindle Unlimited and for the price of this book I didn't have much to lose and learn. I've learned a lot from this book on how fast Kindle Unlimited makes it really easy for readers to attain books. Personally I decided to read several books this year using Kindle and Kindle Unlimited is new option for me now thanks to this book. The book is also very informative of the versatility of Kindle Unlimited. Having a better understanding now of Kindle Unlimited works helps me to consider signing up with the program.-Dennis Ruiz

I like this book! It was written in an honest, straightforward approach and full of helpful information about Kindle Unlimited. I have read a few books about KU a few months ago but they were not as informative and not as truly helpful as this one. Though the format was kind of packed together, that really did not bother me at all because the content of this book is great and that is what really matters to me.If there are some features of Kindle Unlimited which is not clear to you, or if you are considering to get KU; this book will be able to answer your questions and will help you decide whether KU will be of good use for you. I read the whole book and I enjoyed every bit of it. The section where the author discussed KU’s competitors is really smart and I liked it for it gave me the idea to widen my options. Great book and I highly recommend it!

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