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Food Swap: Specialty Recipes For Bartering, Sharing & Giving _ Including The World's Best Salted Caramel Sauce

Part cookbook, part how-to guide, Food Swap features more than 80 recipes for artisanal items that will be coveted at food swaps and adored as gifts, including everything from salted caramel sauce and Meyer lemon curd to green tomato salsa, lavender shortbread, cultured butter, apricot jalapeño jelly, and rum vanilla extract. You’ll also find creative ways to irresistibly package your items, plus perforated gift tags ready for personalization. Finally, author Emily Paster — co-founder of the Chicago Food Swap, one of the biggest in the world — offers guidance on setting up a food swap in your own community, as well as inspiring stories from people who are part of this growing movement.

Paperback: 248 pages

Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC; Ltf edition (May 17, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1612125638

ISBN-13: 978-1612125633

Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.8 x 9.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (23 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #197,963 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #46 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Cooking Methods > Large Quantities #750 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Entertaining & Holidays

I would like to thank Storey Publishing for providing me with a free ARC of this book, via Netgalley, in exchange for an open and honest review.Don’t let the title confuse and make you think this is a book just explaining what food swapping is. Yes, it does that, but it then goes on to be an essential guide to comprehensively creating, joining, or holding a food swap of your own.I really liked the level of detail given, mixed in with examples of established Food Swaps around America, some fantastic images (something I’ve come to expect with all books from Storey Publishing) and ending with some simply YUMMY looking recipes to help inspire any food swappers on what to prepare - to get them started!Ms Paster covers a lot of the questions I believe are frequently asked about food swaps, and then answers questions I hadn’t even thought of but then realised would be vital to know. That makes ‘Food Swap’ an essential comprehensive guide to anyone thinking of getting such an activity going in their own area.I will mention though that all information on health standards, laws, etc. is based on those found in America – which is perfectly fine. So if anyone here in Australia would be interested in starting a food swap, yes you will still get an amazingly useful mountain of information from this book… but please do realise we have different rules and laws and to consider those before starting. If that makes sense? I’m trying to say – yes this book is just as helpful here in Australia, but please use common sense and realise some of the ways we do things are different so look into it!Would I recommend this book to others?Yes I would.

I've always been fascinated with the idea of growing my own food and a pantry and refrigerator full of homemade goodies, and then trading my goods with others who do the same. Unfortunately I'm not very good at growing things (I don't quite have a black thumb, but I can't compete with the Florida heat to allow most things to thrive and produce, especially anytime outside of winter and fall). But I still hold out hope for myself.I have dabbled a little with homemade food stuffs. I've canned jelly and relish, made spiced nuts, fresh butter and farmer's cheese. And doing so has just assured me that I'd like to do more of it! But you always wind up with much more than a single person can eat, and you just want to share. Enter the food swap!At a food swap, attendees bring homemade foods (or sometimes crafts) to trade with others. It's a good way to fill your pantry with a variety of items rather than just a couple of things, and to be exposed to items you may have never thought about trying otherwise.This book explains what a food swap is, has examples of food swaps held across the country, strategies for hosting a successful swap (or for just being a successful attendee), and then provides a large selection of recipes for popular food swap-type foods, and is filled with lovely photos. Try some Salted Caramel Sauce (great drizzled over ice cream) or Lavender Shortbread. Swap some Kale and Onion Miniature Frittatas. Or how about some Tuscan White Bean and Rosemary Dip to share? I'm eager to try the Citrus Curd (a great choice here in Florida), and the book informs us that granola (like the Cherry-Almond Granola in the book) is always a big hit at swaps.My final word: This book did the job.

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