File Size: 2659 KB
Print Length: 66 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: August 18, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #284,514 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #83 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Programming > Games #205 in Books > Computers & Technology > Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers > Programming & App Development #286 in Books > Computers & Technology > Games & Strategy Guides > Game Programming
This book was fantastic. It was very informative and jam packed with useful information and tips. The author provided a ton of screenshots for referencing and further explaining each situation that was being described. It's not a very long book, but what it lacks in length, it more than makes up for with info. The author covers the Xcode 6 platform and programming concepts. It's neatly written and well organized (unlike some of the other books I've read recently) and easy to follow. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a quick guide to get started.
As a former Windows user, I do admit that switching to Mac was a bit of a challenge, because it is less customizable, and less beginner-friendly with programming. Thankfully, this book fell into my hands. It taught me all the basic programming I'll ever need. From learning Xcode, to understanding the anatomy of apps, to actually developing a basic app.. I guess it's really a great package for beginners. Even people with no previous experience but have a lot of patience can try their hand at this. It's quite fun to do, too. You can do some little hacks to your device, which will make a huge difference when you start using it. Overall, a very useful book.
For the low price, maybe it is worth the read like some people said. But after completing the book in just a few days, I personally felt that I was left hanging. I was thinking after chapter 6, creating the card war game, chapter 7 would complete the whole project, however, that is not the case. I was left disappointed, and eager to understand what I need to do to complete the card war game. I went online and started researching for Swift IOS tutorial, and you will see a site which actually mentors readers on this new Apple Swift language. The content from this book really resembles the content from the video tutorials. In reality, I learnt more from the video tutorial, than this book. Don’t get me wrong, this book somewhat pointed me to yearn for more, but did not complete the goal. For 9 bucks, it’s a lot cheaper than eating a whole pizza pie! Happy learning.
Apps are everywhere and getting more and more popular. And if you want to become a true app developer you could probably make lots of money. This book is the perfect plan on getting you started to learning about Xcode 6 and the Swift code.You can actually create a sample app with the step-by-step instructions and screenshots in this book. The directions are so easy to follow and even go over common errors you might get and how to fix them. It’s like being over a master coder’s shoulder watch him do his work.This book is jammed packed with all the steps you’ll need to know how to navigate through Xcode 6, how to code in Swift, how to set up your Apple Developer account through Apple, and more helpful advice for developing apps.It's definitely more for beginners and you'll need to further your education, but the foundation he lays out is perfect for having the confidence to moving on to more advanced code.This guy definitely knows his stuff and has obviously been developing apps for awhile.
I thought this was a really informative book on IOS programming. Not being *incredibly* tech savvy, but knowing a little bit about things like this, as I do use Python a tad at work, I was pleased with how thoroughly, yet plainly, things were explained. I was able to easily follow along with the book and work on some of the exercises in the book.I really appreciated the screen shots also, which I noticed other books I’ve read are lacking. They really help to guide and let the reader know exactly what they should be doing.This is a really great book for beginners, and I highly recommend it for anyone who would like to get started with IOS programming.
If you ever dreamed of creating your own app in iPhone or iPad and want to learn more about IOS programming then this book will be of so much use to you. Since it is designed for beginners things are made simpler so you can really digest every part of what this book is trying to teach you. It may sound technical but as you go about every page of this book, it explains what should be the components of your app and the instructions to do it so things will be made easier. You will definitely enjoy each part of it. It's a whole bunch of learning!
I am not a programmer, however I have a new job where I have to coordinate teams of programmers and we are doing quite a lot of work for iOS apps. This book gave me a great overview on how the system works and what to ask my programmers for. The book centers on the SWIFT coding and has examples and a complete walthough to start creating your own apps very quickly.
This is an excellent book for beginners. The author begins by explaining what you need to operate IOS and how it works. Everything is explained in an easy to understand way with step by step tutorials and screen-shots so you know exactly how your programming should look. The book then moves into Xcode 6, Apps and swift codes. I am very pleased with this book and feel like I can start programming without any problems.
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