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Bob Books Set 3- Word Families

Bob Books Set 3 adds something new for young readers. Consonant blends gently introduce new concepts to the progressing reader. Consistent vowel sounds and lots of three-letter-word practice mean your child continues to enjoy reading success. In addition to eight story books, two Activity Books are included, designed to entice youngsters to read, write, and solve puzzles. Inside the box you'll find: - 10 easy-to-read books, 16 pages each - Many three letter words - An introduction to four and five letter words (one syllable) - An introduction to two syllable words  - Can be "sounded out" (phonics based) - Limited sight words - 25 to 40 words per book

Paperback: 12 pages

Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks; Box edition (May 1, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0439845092

ISBN-13: 978-0439845090

Product Dimensions: 1.8 x 5.5 x 5.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (221 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,240 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #64 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Chapter Books & Readers > Beginner Readers #677 in Books > Reference

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 3

My daughter and I loved the first two sets in this boxed set. The previous ones were very easy and got just a little bit harder with each book so as to not discourage my daughter with too many rules. Granted, eventually the harder rules should be introduced, but since the first 2 books eased in at just the right pace, I would think this set would be the same. Not so--they move way too fast and teach a rule but then throw in a word that goes against that rule. My daughter refused to try to read anymore after the 2nd book the first night we got it because they were so frustrating. I also think the activity books are not that great--totally would have rather had those 2 books spread out the rules that they are trying to shove in the other 8 books.The first book introduced "y" at the end of words as in floppy, "ed" as in stopped/begged, and "er" as in after. This isn't a big deal, but a lot of new rules to try to described to a new reader who is used to just adding ONE consonant sound each book.Book 2 continues teaching the y at the end of the word and also continued words ending in "ed" as in flapped and bobbed. It also introduced "ew" as in flew. ALSO introduced "sh." ALSO introduced "ies" as in pennies. Again, much too much new rules before the child had time to get a grasp of what was taught in the previous book. The point of the series (I thought) was to make children proud of reading and excited they can read "all by themsemves!" How are they supposed to when each page you have to describe a new rule?Book 3 continues with the absurd rules and changes of sounds. "Mama Frog and Papa Frog." Why not just say Mom, or Mum, or even Mommy since we are learning words end in y? Dad, Pop, Daddy!

I was excited when I read the first book in this box set. It was very simple, and my beginning reader will be able to handle it. I thought books 2-8 would progress slowly to become a bit harder, or they would all be that easy. I was wrong. After book 1, there are words like polliwogs, turnips, cunning, supper, and stunts.I didn't like the activity books. The directions are so unclear. Here are just SOME examples. One of the pages says "draw a line to the correct name"...FROM WHERE? Then it says "Give Polly a lolly-pop". They could have just said "draw a lolly-pop for Polly". It says "Where did they go? To the ---- ----- with two blanks. Well if you read the story, they went to a shop, not to "the" a shop. Circle the polliwogs simply says "how many polliwogs?" and there is one polliwog with the words Circle 1 next to it, two polliwogs with the words Circle 2 next to it, and so on. Doesn't make sense! One page says to draw some alligators, but there is no room to do so. Then there is a page to draw a line to a matching word/picture. There are four pictures and 8 words...Are you supposed to draw a line to the pictures too? That is how a lot of children's books are set up...match the pic to the word... not word to least not with matching pictures all around the page. The funny bunny page says to color the border yellow over blue. Many pages say to color the border. I think kids would rather color pics...the borders seem boring...and yellow over blue?? Maybe if they elaborate..."to see what color you get" it would make more sense.The worst part is the dotted lines they use for letters...they want the kids to trace it. They put big dots and starting points, as many handwriting books do. BUT they put the big dots in all the wrong places...

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