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Professional JavaScript For Web Developers

This book provides a developer-level introduction along with more advanced and useful features of JavaScript. Coverage includes: JavaScript use with HTML to create dynamic webpages, language concepts including syntax and flow control statements variable handling given their loosely typed nature built-in reference types such as object and array object-oriented programing powerful aspects of function expressions Browser Object Model allowing interaction with the browser itself detecting the client and its capabilities Document Object Model (DOM) objects available in DOM Level 1 how DOM Levels 2 and 3 augmented the DOM events, legacy support, and how the DOM redefined how events should work enhancing form interactions and working around browser limitations using the tag to create on-the-fly graphics JavaScript API changes in HTML5 how browsers handle JavaScript errors and error handling features of JavaScript used to read and manipulate XML data the JSON data format as an alternative to XML Ajax techniques including the use of XMLHttpRequest object and CORS complex patterns including function currying, partial function application, and dynamic functions offline detection and storing data on the client machine techniques for JavaScript in an enterprise environment for better maintainability This book is aimed at three groups of readers: Experienced object-oriented programming developers looking to learn JavaScript as it relates to traditional OO languages such as Java and C++; Web application developers attempting to enhance site usability; novice JavaScript developers. Nicholas C. Zakas worked with the Web for over a decade. He has worked on corporate intranet applications used by some of the largest companies in the world and large-scale consumer websites such as MyYahoo! and the Yahoo! homepage. He regularly gives talks at companies and conferences regarding front-end best practices and new technology.

Paperback: 960 pages

Publisher: Wrox; 3 edition (January 18, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1118026691

ISBN-13: 978-1118026694

Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 1.7 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (101 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #39,309 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #27 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Web Programming > JavaScript #44 in Books > Computers & Technology > Web Development & Design > Web Design #152 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Programming Languages

There is a line from Lion King where little Simba comments on his Uncle Scar's weirdness. Scar replies "You have no idea." The main point of this review is that Javascript is a really weird contraption, and that this book points this out in a way that is very helpful for programmers coming from more traditional compiled programming languages. I have programmed in C, C++, Java, C# for many years. I have read other books on Javascript which tried to teach by examples. With normal programming languages, this works fine. However, within a few hours with this book I realized that to understand Javascript, you must give up on some basic expectations you may have as a code developer. This was a surprise to me, but crucial to be able to learn Javascript well enough to work on non-trivial projects with existing code. Javascript is simply bizarre. There are many different ways to implement object-oriented patterns which all use different-looking code, and have subtle differences, making it so easy to get bitten by unintended consequences. From this book I learned that there is no one solid way to implement the basic pattern of your code, you must make a choice. If you try to read a Javascript book which teaches by examples, you will be in trouble when you actually start to modify someone else's Javascript code which used a different pattern. This book doesn't just show trivial examples, it methodically goes through how it works in enough detail so you can understand how it is working under the hood. Also, the text has plenty of warnings about buggy implementations and common pitfalls.

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