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Modern Database Management

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Provide the latest information in database development Focusing on what leading database practitioners say are the most important aspects to database development, Modern Database Management presents sound pedagogy, and topics that are critical for the practical success of database professionals. The Twelfth Edition further facilitates learning with illustrations that clarify important concepts and new media resources that make some of the more challenging material more engaging. Also included are general updates and expanded material in the areas undergoing rapid change due to improved managerial practices, database design tools and methodologies, and database technology.  

File Size: 32763 KB

Print Length: 600 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 2 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: Pearson; 12 edition (June 29, 2015)

Publication Date: June 29, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Not enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #155,553 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #46 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Information Management #51 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Network Administration > Storage & Retrieval #74 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Databases

Basically, the information this book contains is rendered inaccessible by the poor presentation.Remember writing that paper where you needed more length, so you went back and reworded everything to be expressed in a more complicated way? That's this textbook. Sentences are needlessly long, making content more difficult to absorb. Word choices are fluttery and fanciful when they need to be brick-solid. The prose squanders my time and my attention.Composition is bad. This book consistently names something I've never heard of, talks for a few paragraphs about it as though I know what it is, leads me to believe I've missed something and maybe I should go back and find it, and then finally defines the thing. Additionally, time after time something is brought up and then dismissed as being "beyond the scope of this text" or contained in proper detail in some other, future chapter (your princess is in another castle...).Images are never anywhere near the point in the text that references them! Reading about figure X-X? Well, figure X-Y is directly adjacent to what you're reading, and X-X is two pages back. For an e-book this is impossible to deal with, and even for a physical copy this would be ridiculous.And the jokes? Yes, it's got jokes. They aren't good. They aren't funny. They are meant to be a way of keeping the reader engaged, but they fall flat and they take up space I had hoped would contain useful information.This textbook is awful. It contains mountains of good information, but the writing is so bad as to render the content inaccessible.

This is a horrifically, wordy book. I would rather be water boarded then have to read anymore of it. If you really want to learn about databases interactively try Khan Academy to learn the basics of SQL and then head on over to the free Stanford Database Management course. Save yourself from the suffering.Otherwise, if you want to focus on learning concept after concept, definition after definition, a multitude of lists of bullet points related to X concept that you'll never remember nor use, this is the book for you.This book represents everything that's wrong with higher education. If you are required to buy this incredibly overpriced book for a course, more than likely the university paid for a "course in a box" from education monopoly Pearsons Inc. Your teacher is provided all the test, reading material, quizzes, and curriculum. They don't have to do anything but show up. It takes little work on their part. Your professor will stand there and read off PowerPoint slides that came with the book and put you to sleep while the university collects $1000 to $3000 dollars of your money. You should demand more for your money and it starts with effective learning material. Memorization trumps practical application with this course. If you are taking a class and they require this book, drop the class and don't look back. You've been warned.

This was the required book for a graduate class I was taking and it was awful. I knew very little about database management prior to taking the class, though I have a decent IT background and have done well in all of my other graduate and undergraduate courses. Initially I thought my lack of knowledge was the reason I couldn't follow anything in this book. But as other reviewers have said, the book uses terminology in early chapters that isn't defined until later chapters so what is being discussed in the beginning is not understandable, nor is what then follows. I spent as much,if not more, time perusing the index and glossary to try to get a handle on any of it, and ended up doing alot of online research on my own to "teach myself" what the book was supposedly saying (basically taking a second course on my own to figure out the content.) The book rambles, the wording is obtuse, and the "jokes" are lame. If there is ANY way you can avoid using this book, do it!

I'm a little irritated. When you try to download the Access version for the big Pine Valley Furniture Company it links to the ASCII version. If you replace the file name with you will get the file. However the examples in chapter 2 don't actually match what you download. So the queries they show you as an example don't work. You can still play with the tables but for a $200 book you think they would make sure their website is accurate.The information in the book seems comprehensive.

There is a LOT of technical information in this book. It's hard to keep up. But, the headings are quite confusing. They are all blue, and the CAPITAL and Lower Case headings jump back and forth, so it's difficult to know when a section is beginning, versus a new heading.

Had to use this for a class, the content was generally pretty good. The authors cover the critical concepts generally well, but the verbose nature of the composition is unnecessary. I ended up buying "The Kimball Group Reader - Remastered Collection", which has a much better flow and an engaging read, plus it is much more economical. Unlike the price for MDBM edition 12 -- beyond reasonable! Even for the rental.Such is the racket that Pearson is known to have a near monopoly on the college and university market. FTC should investigate. Seriously, it is nothing short of racketeering.

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