Paperback: 840 pages
Publisher: Wrox; 1 edition (June 21, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470533331
ISBN-13: 978-0470533338
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 1.6 x 9.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (48 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #349,346 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #70 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Intranets & Extranets #112 in Books > Computers & Technology > Business Technology > Windows Server #329 in Books > Computers & Technology > Operating Systems > Windows > Windows Desktop
An excellent book on SharePoint 2010 that cover a wide spectrum of topics. It would be suitable for most people who want to better understand what SharePoint 2010 can offer. The main focus is on the SharePoint Server 2010 product rather than SharePoint 2010 Foundation but that doesn't mean that it still isn't relevant for Foundation users.It covers the whole gambit from installation to branding and customization. The book contains plenty of technical information as well a tutorial style walk throughs to help you better understand exactly what the capabilities of SharePoint 2010 are. I especially like how the SharePoint terminology and functions are described and explained in detail by the author.In summary the book is a a valuable edition to any SharePoint administrator's library.
Extremely well written, highly exhaustive, and very much detailed. I have read the three chapters so far - install/config, backup/restore, and upgrade/migration and they provides all the information what you need to determine the best approach. This is a large book covering almost all of aspects of the SharePoint 2010 and how to administrator the key components - Search, metadata, service application architecture, security, monitoring, social computing, and many more.. This book is from the Todd and Shane who are industry known SharePoint Admin experts and it would make great resource on the SharePoint Administrator's desktop.
My IT career has brought in a huge number of reference books and manuals to my professional library. Normally they are used as handy, convenient references for specific topics, thumbing the TOC and going direct to hot topics.This book is refreshing - and is a highly recommended cover-to-cover read. In the first 20 pages, I found a number of pearls, which prompted me to continue a full read - don't miss it! Great job and kudos to the authors!
Very well written book. A must have book for SharePoint administrators. Also, this is a great book for someone new to SharePoint 2010 (my case).
Having to freshly start over with SharePoint I found myself wondering about all the features SP had to offer. So I picked the book up and was very glad that I did. It is well organized and I was able to skip a chapter or two on installing and configuring SP, since that had been done for me already, without missing anything very important. This goes over in fairly good detail of the functions that SP can offer. I found myself asking more questions about workflows and SP Designer but there are other books that can cover that in more detail.It is a little long and I would say that it is for an admin who does more of the server/farm side of things. If you are a designer/app developer then only about half of this book relates to you directly. However reading all the features and what is availalbe on every end is very valuable to know which is why I thouroughly enjoyed this book.
I used this book when first getting up to speed on SharePoint 2010 and found it to be an excellent source of information. The book is logically laid out and full of relevant useful information. It has become the cornerstone for what I know about SP 2010. I didn't realize how thorough this book was until after attending a 5-day training class on SharePoint 2010. I quickly realized that this book covers the material in far greater detail than the course book, there is no way we could possibly have covered this much material in a 5-day class. If you are just getting started with SP 2010 or are somewhat experienced and just need a good reference to explore aspects of the product in greater detail, this is the book for you!!The only weakness may be in the area of Claims Authentication. Claims is deserving of a book onto itself. For Claims, I would recommend "A Guide to Claims-based Identity and Access Control" from Microsoft Press. (Yeah, Microsoft Press finally released a book that doesn't suck...)
The authors of this book kept true to the title. SharePoint 2010 Administration. I have done several WSS3 projects and this was a great book to transition me to SharePoint 2010. They even have a little humor in the book to make you chuckle every once in a while. I would recommend this book to anyone who will be administering SharePoint, setting up servers, configuring and maintaining the platform.
I got this book for my wife who is trying to certify in Sharepoint. This gives a good overview of the operation and is also good for reference. It was not the primary learning tool but will used more if she ends up working in this area.
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