Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (July 3, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1491917571
ISBN-13: 978-1491917572
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (29 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #36,614 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #17 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Network Administration > Linux & UNIX Administration #18 in Books > Computers & Technology > Operating Systems > Linux > Networking & System Administration #103 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Web Programming
"Docker: Up and Running" serves as an excellent introduction to Docker, whether you come from a systems administration, DevOps or a software development background. Although dry at times (which I blame on the subject matter, not on the writing), the book is well organized, and logically walks the reader through the essentials of Docker, starting with what it is and its history, and ending with a moderately advanced discussion of Linux kernel internals as they relate to Docker security concerns, and how to design a deployment strategy around Docker.This was the second book I read on the topic of Docker, "The Docker Book" by James Turnbull being the first. But that book left me with a lot of questions that "Docker: Up and Running" has helped answer for me. Specifically, I felt this book provided a much-needed big-picture understanding of Docker, without neglecting important details.The good:* Logically organized, advancing thematically from the history of Docker, to how to install it, to how to build and manage images, to debugging, to security concerns.* The book starts by explaining general concepts, then drills down into the details. This makes the book easy to follow, and also easy to skim over parts that may not interest you.* As technical books go, this one is written in a relatively engaging style. It’s not quite a page-turner, but it didn’t feel like a chore to get through the material.* The compartmental organization of the book makes it easy to use as a reference. Topics which aren’t immediately relevant to you are easy to skip over and return to later.* I feel this book provides enough information that you can actually get started using Docker after finishing it.
With more than a thousands contributors, and backed by colossi such as Google, Docker is by far this year’s hottest topic and gained so much momentum that released containers’ specific instances on AWS. Quite impressive, indeed, mainly considering it relies on technology that has been there, available to all of us, since years (Solaris jails anyone?). The revolution were not indeed the containers themeselves, but rather encapsulating the whole thing inside a blue smiling whale and making it easy for us all average human beings to take advantage of it and deploy containers with a couple of lines of code. Or less. In the last 12 months many books dedicated to Docker were released, confirming the interest of publishing companies in the business that moves around that whale. Good for us, since this means there is a lot to help us learn and get better! Among the books available is Docker: Up and Running, quite good pick for both enthusiasts and professionals that provides some very interesting material on advanced topics, mainly security.I have been reading this book during commute, on my way to work. I am honest, after reading the official documentation, so complete and easy to follow that it is such an indispensable resource for anyone willing to learn more about Docker, I was not expecting much from these tiny 200 pages. I must admit that, despite trying to find as many cons as possible, I have reached the back cover with my notebook plenty of positives notes and several code snippets that I will jealously keep somewhere safe. What stands out is how concise the book is: a paragraph, a concept. Plain and simple. The reader is gradually taken from the very basics up to advanced topics (more on this in a minute) smoothly, with no abrupt changes of subject.
tl;dr Read the book “Docker: Up & Running” not the review and you regret no moment. Highly recommended! The only wish after “Docker: Up & Running” — the book should be a chapter or two longer!“Docker: Up & Running” was the first book I read about Docker itself and the entire Docker ecosystem. And, honestly, it’s not a coincidence at all. O’Reilly has always amazed me how well organised their books were and the overall layout, chapters, fonts, material and authors have always been perfectly matched up. I expected no less from “Docker: Up and Running”.I read O’Reilly’s “Docker: Up & Running” from cover to cover and I regret no moment.I was an almost complete beginner in the space of Docker. “Almost” because I had already read up on Docker in the official documentation and in a couple of articles. I also met fantastic people (thanks Kamil!) who convinced me to spend far more time with the fantastic new technology. And it all happened in the year of Scala the programming language in my life when I promised myself to devote most of my professional time to Scala to get the gist of functional programming and other type-level tricks. Despite my age, 40+, I still think of myself more as a software developer that any other role in a development team. As luck would have it, the current project has drifted towards Docker to reap benefits of the promise of “continuous integration and deployment made easier with Docker”. And so Docker turned into a very hot topic in the team. I had to catch up very quickly.And “Docker: Up & Running” moved me past that introductory level in a smooth and pleasant way!
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