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Linux For Beginners: An Introduction To The Linux Operating System And Command Line

If you want to learn how to use Linux, but don't know where to start read on.Knowing where to start when learning a new skill can be a challenge, especially when the topic seems so vast. There can be so much information available that you can't even decide where to start. Or worse, you start down the path of learning and quickly discover too many concepts, commands, and nuances that aren't explained. This kind of experience is frustrating and leaves you with more questions than answers.Linux for Beginners doesn't make any assumptions about your background or knowledge of Linux. You need no prior knowledge to benefit from this book. You will be guided step by step using a logical and systematic approach. As new concepts, commands, or jargon are encountered they are explained in plain language, making it easy for anyone to understand.Here is what you will learn by reading Linux for Beginners:How to get access to a Linux server if you don't already.What a Linux distribution is and which one to choose.What software is needed to connect to Linux from Mac and Windows computers. Screenshots included.What SSH is and how to use it, including creating and using SSH keys.The file system layout of Linux systems and where to find programs, configurations, and documentation.The basic Linux commands you'll use most often.Creating, renaming, moving, and deleting directories.Listing, reading, creating, editing, copying, and deleting files.Exactly how permissions work and how to decipher the most cryptic Linux permissions with ease.How to use the nano, vi, and emacs editors.Two methods to search for files and directories.How to compare the contents of files.What pipes are, why they are useful, and how to use them.How to compress files to save space and make transferring data easy.How and why to redirect input and output from applications.How to customize your shell prompt.How to be efficient at the command line by using aliases, tab completion, and your shell history.How to schedule and automate jobs using cron.How to switch users and run processes as others.Where to go for even more in-depth coverage on each topic.Scroll up, click the Buy Now With 1 Click button and get started learning Linux today!

File Size: 3554 KB

Print Length: 204 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1496145097

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: December 26, 2013

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #44,517 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #4 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > APIs & Operating Environments > Operating Systems Theory #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Operating Systems > Unix #14 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Network Administration > Linux & UNIX Administration

I found the book very helpful and straightforward. There were about 6 years that I haven't used a Linux OS and as result my knowledge was quite rusty. I found the basic commands and general explanations that I was looking for; and in case you want to investigate further there is a "Deep Dive" part at the end of each chapter.The only warning I would give about this book is that you would need some minimum OS background; if you're a complete newbie some things about it could be challenging.

It should be clearly understood that this is all about command line use.This is NOT the book you want to learn about desktop Linux.

This books is a great book for those looking to learn the Linux Command Line. The author, Jason Cannon, breaks down every command in a easy and interesting way. I found myself zooming through the book because it was very easy to digest. I do have some Linux experience, but it is with Ubuntu and Linux Mint.I'm very glad I read this book and I enjoyed learning various Linux commands including: grep, find, and vi. You learn a lot more than just these commands, but those three were some of my favorite topics the book covered. It's a great read and right now it is $2.99 on Kindle which is a steal, or you can read it on Kindle Unlimited too, or rent it with 's Prime membership. Most people don't know, but you can rent 1 book a month for free with 's Prime membership.Anyways, it's a great book and I really enjoyed it. The book is written with easy to follow examples. It also has links to videos that go over the topics in video format, which is a nice touch. I watched a couple of them and they were both about 12 minutes each. They helped with going over file permissions and I found them a great addition to the book. If want to learn Linux this is a great place to start!

The information in the very beginning on how to get started isn't accurate any longer (I guess?) because the sites recommended are down or don't remotely look like what the author's describing. So that more or less renders the rest of the book useless because, ya know, as a *beginner*, I'm not sure how to do the advanced things explained later in the book because I haven't learned the simple things early on. Mr. Cannon, fix your book. I regret my purchase.

It's a good way to get insight into starting with Linux, but anyone relying on a book to learn about something as dynamic as computer science is going to be hopelessly far behind by the time they finish it. In fact, by the time this book was printed, a lot of the information was already obsolete.Again, not bad if you want to get a general idea of what you're doing before you advance, but much more updated resources on the topic exist freely online.

Outdated, most links work, in the beginning of chapter 1, for the practice links, none work.

I've dabbled on the edges of Linux for a long time and I found this book to be the easy dipping of the toe into what can become deep waters quickly. Expertly crafted, Jason provides recommendations for distros/tools, instructional sample commands, and where-to-go's while keeping you out of the deep end. With just enough information to whet my appetite and with other books available by him, I am anxious to begin consuming the next book I have purchased, as I explore the Linux universe. Beginners beware, you just might find yourself tossing Windows in favor of a more...responsive system.I would recommend that before going too deeply into the book that you have access to a Linux system (Jason makes many recommendations) so you can follow along. Happy Linuxing!

I'm a casual linux user as I have a DLink DNS-323 that has a basic linux distro on it. Since I don't use it all that often, I've barely scratched the surface of linux. The DNS uses only a command-line, but I like the fact that this book also includes some information about some of the GUI options.Another cool little feature is the 'Deep Dive' for each chapter. So much of the unix 'MAN' is kinda abstract (at least for me) that having additional references available is a great help. This is on my short-list of books to keep as reference.

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