Hardcover: 1376 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 6 edition (January 27, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0073523321
ISBN-13: 978-0073523323
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 2 x 9.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 3.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (38 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #88,179 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #16 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Network Administration > Storage & Retrieval #94 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Database Storage & Design #214 in Books > Computers & Technology > Databases & Big Data
This is a great book. Most of the reviewers complaining about the errors obviously don't read carefully becuase the authors explain they use standard SQL, not ORACLE SQL. This means some conventions are different (which really are a google search away to see). If you need a boot just to learn oracle SQL, don't buy this. If you want to learn about how to build a database, this is one of the best books on the market.
This book is very comprehensive in covering all beginner aspects of database concepts. However, there are so many errors in this book I absolutely had to sell it because I couldn't stand keeping such a book. For the fifth edition I was very disappointed. The ERD symbols were incorrect, and there are typos galore. You actually have to know all about databases to actually read past the errors and understand everything. For someone who doesn't know database concepts, this book will only lead you to make errors when you try and apply the practices. I hope 6th edition is much better.
This book is a requirement for a course that I am taking. The book is riddled with errors. You can randomly open any page from the book- and you will find typos and confusing text. On some pages, the powerpoint slides for the book do not even match with the text of the book. This is the sixth edition of this textbook. I consider it inexcusable that the book has hundreds of typos even after being published for more than ten years. As another reviewer pointed out, the additional material that is needed for the book -like SQL schemas- do not even exist in the book's website- contrary to what the book claims. Anybody who is considering this book should think twice. Please get it from the library - go through the book for a week to see what I mean- and dump the book for any book that should be better than this.
This book was the recommended book for database course in my university.The content is very lucid and in-depth. The book doesn't focus on any particular database system like MySQL or Oracle but rather covers large set of theory and implementation aspects of databases. The book is well structured. Many reviews said the book has many errors, I don't agree with them as having read > 1/2 the book - there are no glaring mistakes - atleast my class didn't find any.
I'm taking a databases class this summer, and the required text for the class is Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition by Ramakrishnan. After reading a few chapters, I went to discuss a project with my professor and asked me how I liked the book. My review of that book is less than stellar because Ramakrishnan makes everything so... mathy. It's like reading a math textbook. So my professor recommended that I buy this book in any edition, since the differences between editions are minimal. I purchased this one because it was cheap, to be honest. I think it's a great supplement to my current required reading, and reference it frequently while doing homework. This book is written much more from a programmer or object-oriented sort of perspective rather than a mathematicians one, and it makes the read much easier.If you're taking a databases class and are struggling, this is a good and cheap book to cross reference with professor lectures and required text readings.
The book's contents are oddly ordered. The coverage of dependent topics is clear and accurate, but there doesn't seem to be any clear rules about what is and is not a reasonable dependent topic to cover. Case in point, it covers types of physical storage, but does not cover drive formatting aside from RAID "At least of what I've seen so far".While the book does a good job covering relational databases, other types aren't sufficiently covered. For example, XML seems to be an afterthought, with extremely limited coverage. The network and hierarchical models are online only, key-value and document oriented databases are not well covered, and I'm not sure Graph Databases are even mentioned.Also, while out of scope dependencies are covered, such as RAID, actual database related topics are ignored. For example, there is no dedicated security section.The coverage of tuple calculus and relational algebra is acceptable.The actual manufacturing quality is poor of the physical book. Some of the pages have very faded ink.
This book is not terrible but not great either. The explanations in the book sometimes are not clear and leave a lot to be desired. The excerises certainly test your knowledge and learning of the material. The concepts covered are useful but the book is not clear enough in a lot of cases.The website the book mentions I dont think could be any worse. It really would not be that hard to setup the databases or at least the schemas on a website or include a CD or a download to help take care of this. This makes the book a little more useless due to the fact the website is horrid.I would avoid this book unless you are required to use it for a class.
The item came in good condition but this book is terrible. Author is way too wordy and the actual point to be made is buried and difficult to grasp (mind you I'm a 4.0 student, this book makes the concepts overly complex). I learned more watching Youtube videos than I did reading this book. Unless it's a required textbook, look elsewhere.
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