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Book 2: Olive Oil Lamps &c. (The Non-Electric Lighting Series)

You can see all the books available (so far) in this series by entering "The Non-Electric Lighting Series" in the search bar above.Candles work great in a blackout. Unless you don’t have any.Vegetable-oil lamps are more of a sure thing. The needed materials can be found in most kitchen pantries, even where no conscious “prepping” has taken place beforehand. And the operating cost for a vegetable-oil lamp is under a penny per hour, less than any type of candle.This book, Olive Oil Lamps &c., is the second volume in our Non-Electric Lighting Series. It describes 15 different vegetable-oil lamp designs. (And if you count the variations, it’s more like 22 or 23.) These are simple lamps. Each one is pictured. They’re easy to understand, easy to make. Some will even burn semisolid fats (Crisco, margarine, butter, lard) as well as vegetable oil.Knowledge is power. That’s what my college roommate kept repeating to me all those years ago. And the knowledge in this little book will spare you the helpless feeling you have in a blackout. You know. Like with the sniffling kids and the wife pretending to be brave? Like whenever the sun goes down it’s bedtime? That sort of thing. It’s really quite easy to gain control.But it’s equally important to know what NOT to do. There’s lots of bogus information around. Wrong information. Dangerous information. YouTube, unfortunately, seems to have more than its share. What part of FIRETRUCK don’t you understand? This book tells you things to be avoided.It will take you roughly half an hour to read this booklet. Afterwards, you will be much better equipped to handle a blackout, whether it finds you at home or traveling far from home. Half an hour? Thirty minutes well spent.

File Size: 2528 KB

Print Length: 56 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: R&C Publishing (May 12, 2014)

Publication Date: May 12, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #86,651 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #46 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Candlemaking #65 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Candlemaking #66 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Soap Making

Ron Brown delivers a very cool book on home-made non-electric lamps. These oil lamps are fun to make, and the ingredients are common that we usually have at home. The Introduction discusses how to be creative with common household items to make a 30 minute investment. Several ideas that the author presented is the first time I learned that we can make our own oil lamps, and it's as interesting as it is fun. Ron Brown also includes in the Introduction, his personal experiences in blackouts, and I totally agree that it's scary, and unsafe.I have experienced too many blackouts, some lasting for days in the northeast, and even where I now reside in the southwest, we get many dust storms that knock out the electricity. In many instances, my flashlight didn't work, leaving you feeling doomed. To learn these simple Designs is a plus factor of knowledge for you, and to share with others. These lamps can save the day, and scary moments.Some of the Designs include: Cotton Puff; Pyrex Measuring cup; Beer Bottle Lamp; And many other Designs. The Floating Design is totally awesome, adapted from an ancient pattern. The Orange Peel Design is pretty, and the Philippine Design gives off lots of light & is also pretty.The author includes Safety Rules, What To Do & What Not To Do, and the Best oils to use. In addition, he advises the oils that should not be used. We also learn how to make wicks. This book is creative, fun-filled, and very useful. Highly recommended.

Surprising amount of information for a short book - lot of different ways to create light, some that I had never heard of before. Most are easy to set up - the directions are clear and the supplies readily available. Good book.

it never occurred to me that you can make lights with common cooking oils. ya learn something new everyday (even at 51 years old)this is a very nice little book with lots of info on what to (and not to) do in your quest for emergency (or just different) lighting. i now have the know how and confidence that ill be okay if a power outage should catch me without candles and bit of personal info ive found in my own experiments. as mr. brown says in the book, some of these oils are a bear to get lit in the first place and can be frustrating. he suggests a drop or two of some, more combustable, fluid like zippo or even gasoline. ive not tried this however.i find that a 'torch' type of lighter with the high power flame works really good to get things goin. you may have to hold it to your wick material for a bit, but it does do the trick with no having to mess with other more dangerous fluids.great book!

I liked this book because it has all the necessary information and no unnecessary fluff.It also alerts the reader to some dangerous instructions one can find out there....very nice!

You might find lots of new info in here. As a geezer there were no surprises for me. I guess i've spent more and gotten less some times, so i don't regret it. It may help someone out of a jam so gave it a Three. Enjoyable writing style anyway.

Author does a nice job of explaining the variety of fuels to use (and not to use). Very nice ideas on how to make a variety of lamps. I do wish there had been more photos. All in all I highly recommend the book to everyone, from the average homeowner to the hard core doomsday prepper.

Really a book on vegetable oil lamps in general, and a pretty good one at that. Covers all you need to know to make your own without burning down the house-- and if you stick to vegetable oils, you CAN'T burn down the house. The author spent some time with his subject. Sometimes beautiful, but always useful designs. For parties or when the power goes out and the batteries die, this info could prove very helpful....

Covers many types of oil lamps. Of course they are also all similar in that they have oil and a wick.Following the instructions I made a basic lamp with a tiny mason jar and it's lid. My wife was surprised that it works. The lamp puts out the same light as a candle. So an oil lamp will not be my primary plan for lighting if the electricity goes out. Using an oil lamp would be several steps down my list of preferences but now that I have read this little book it is a viable option.

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