File Size: 936 KB
Print Length: 124 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: April 16, 2014
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #60,631 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #14 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Operating Systems > Unix #17 in Books > Computers & Technology > Operating Systems > Linux > Programming #23 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Network Administration > Linux & UNIX Administration
I started working with *NIX around 1995 or so, when a dial-up shell account was my only affordable option to get onto the internet. That launched my I.T. career, & I've been working with various forms of Linux & UNIX off & on fairly regularly since then - so I'd thought that I had a fairly-decent grasp of the command-line, but this book had me thinking "Ooh, that's COOL!" within just a few minutes. I'd say that it really *is* a bit like looking over the shoulder of an experienced admin, in that a few of the things that I learned were new to me, while others were different ways to apply things that I already knew about. All in all, I'd say that this has something to offer just about everyone who works with the Linux command line.My one gripe - I bought the Kindle version, & used the "Kindle for PC" app to read it, & there were no page numbers shown, nor was there a scroll bar, so I had no way of knowing how far I was into the book/how much of the book remained. But that's a fairly-minor quibble for a book that I *really* didn't want to end. *Nicely* done Mr. Cannon - now we want *more*!! ;-)
Perhaps this was written more with Unix as a reference instead of Gnu/Linux. I'll admit I didn't read any foreword or preface that may have been in the book...I dove right into the meat of the book. The vast majority of the shortcuts work very well, and I was excited to learn them. Some things that use regular expressions don't work quite right, but I've noticed that to be the case even relative to the grep manual provided by my operating system. I keep my Kindle handy at the computer so I can reference the book when I forget something or need possibly another shortcut. This book didn't make my day, it made my whole week!
If you are a command line user, this book is for you! It's almost too advanced, which is a huge compliment! I highly recommend it!
Great resources for taking your Linux skills to the next level. This book helped me speed up several tasks in Linux administration.
This book effing rocks! It's full of useful little tips for *nix, and Linux based systems in particular. It's great for novices.
Very useful. Found some stuff I did not know, after 20 years in IT. Good refresher otherwise
I have used several of the hacks it describes. They come in handy!
I haven't finished it yet, but I am not even a quarter of the way through and it has already vastly improved my skills.
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