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Enterprise Transaction Processing Systems: Putting The CORBA OTS, Encina++ And Orbix OTM To Work

"This is a book that practitioners in the middleware field need to help them navigate through the maze of technology hype that exists. I highly recommend it" David Hodge, IBM Transarc Lab "a terrific book...In just a couple of hundred pages Ian brings you from a basic knowledge of distributed computing to a clear understanding of the details of the standards and the products that implement them." From the Foreword by Sean Baker, Chief Scientific Officer, IONA Technologies How to build high performance, high integrity transaction processing systems. In Enterprise Transaction Processing Systems, Dr. Ian Gorton distills years of consulting experience gained working with OTM technologies into an easily digestible tutorial which will be invaluable to anyone designing and building Transaction Processing systems. This book will provide an understanding of the concepts and features of the available OTM technologies, and describes the important practical issues that drive a project's architecture, detailed design and programming.* Key underlying concepts and techniques are explained *Alternative architectural approaches are discussed *All the major features of the CORBA Object Transaction Service (OTS) and two products, OrbixOTM and Encina++, that support this service are covered in detail *Full length coded examples illustrate how to implement a transaction processing system in C++ using OrbixOTM and Encina++ *New techniques on how to achieve improved performance are introduced *Typical system architectures are described together with design and code examples which developers can leverage in their own systems

Paperback: 240 pages

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pub (Sd) (January 14, 2000)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0201398591

ISBN-13: 978-0201398595

Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 8 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.9 ounces

Average Customer Review: 3.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (3 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #13,498,436 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #68 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Networks, Protocols & APIs > CORBA #1599 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Object-Oriented Software Design #6173 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Software Design, Testing & Engineering > Object-Oriented Design

It's a pleasure to see this book in print,as it meets the needs of many people concerned with the development of enterprise scale distributed systems.As a handbook for developers who are required to work with transaction processing systems, TPMs and OTMs, it is going to prove extremely useful.However its scope and iterest goes beyond this, as the first four chapter offer a introduction to the design issues and technologies involved in modern distributed software systems. I dont know of any other book where these are discussed in such a clear and accessible manner.Highly recommended as a text for software engineering students and researchers, as well as hands-on developers. I shall certainly be using it in my undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

I bought this book originally to bring myself up to speed on the OTS standard and gain a little familiarity with the existing products out there. I found that it did an adequate job.I found the intro and general OTS part of the book really good. I have worked with Tuxedo and WLE so the intro was not a necessity for me, but I can see how this part of the book would be super useful to give to a manager who perhaps does not understand why a TP system is needed for a certain situation. I am sure we have all been confronted with the question (as well we should) from our colleagues or boss when deciding on how to architect a system. The book talks through the TP basics and is a little easier to read than the Bernstein book, IMHO.The second part of the book gets a little bit more in depth with Encina++ and Orbix OTS. This section was ok, I got a good feel for the differences between the two products, my only gripe is that I would have liked to have seen more products compared than just two. Nevertheless, it was well written.The book is pretty thin, especially given the hefty price, so I suggest that if your are buying one for work, maybe you should purchase a team copy. this book is definitely not a reference book, so it can be shared at work.

Transaction processing could be a interesting and complex subject, but this book treats it with no deep. If you expect a advanced programmer book about Corba OTS, you will be very disappointed. It is a simplistic introduction instead. Even the 20 pages in "Enterprise EAI" by Wrox have more details about OTS than this book on 200.Code examples are astonishing as well. They are based on a case study with transactions only on _one_ database. In real life this would mean that you could avoid distributed transactions and OTS completely. The code would be subject to buffer overflow attacks of the most simple sort by the use of 'sprintf' instead of 'snprintf'. In addition it never becomes clear if the code is using a standard Corba or one of the special features of the transaction libraries used.More advanced topics like programming own 'Resources' and the use of CCS are only mentioned (even saying 'touched' would be to much). Instead there is the 'RTFM' hint.

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