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Vegan Recipes In 30 Minutes: A Vegan Cookbook With 106 Quick & Easy Recipes

Create delicious, filling vegan meals in under 30 minutes!Take the stress out of making hearty vegan meals with the easy recipes in Vegan Recipes in 30 Minutes. This handy kitchen guide is perfect for the busy vegan cook who wants to whip up satisfying, wholesome vegan meals using everyday kitchen utensils and afforda-ble ingredients from you local grocery store. With simple, straightforward recipes, quick tips for easy meal prep and storage, and helpful meal plans, Vegan Recipes in 30 Minutes will help you get nutritious vegan meals on the table in no time. Vegan Recipes in 30 Minutes makes it easy to create balanced vegan meals, with:• 106 mouthwatering recipes such as Vegan Chocolate Macaroons, Spicy Nut But-ter Noodles, and Sweet Potato & Kale Hash• 141 pantry, freezer, and grocery staples • Easy-to-follow weekly meal plan • 23 ideas for easy meal preparation and storage to save you time and money • 10 tips for a happy and hearty vegan lifeWith quick, tasty recipes, Vegan Recipes in 30 Minutes will make your vegan meals as simple as they are delicious.

File Size: 20292 KB

Print Length: 178 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Shasta Press (July 11, 2014)

Publication Date: July 11, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #15,878 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #9 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Vegan & Vegetarian #16 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Quick & Easy #33 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Vegetarian & Vegan > Vegan

This book was a great find! I’m not completely vegan; I’ll eat meat sometimes, but I’m not a huge fan. I knew that this book would give me some great practical ideas about implementing protein in my diet in other ways. It’s a huge plus that I found a lot of my favorite dishes in here, and more that I had never thought of, but had the ingredients for. SCORE!This book provides its readers with so many important facts to know when on a vegan diet. For example, it goes into detail about foods that people will consider as vegan, but are truly not so! You may even grimace when you hear about the source of the ingredients (human hair?? YUCK!). The book also hits on the risks of this type of diet, and how to avoid a shortage of protein in your diet that could cause depression.What was particularly useful was the sort of “grocery list” of items that you would want to keep in your refrigerator. This is always helpful, and there were very few ingredients that might make a small hassle to find (ex. Seitan, or wheat gluten flour).I appreciate the fact that the author gives helpful tips in different recipes about how to deal with specific ingredients and troubleshooting. It helped me learn more about cooking in general. I highly recommend this to all vegans, or those trying to find new sources of protein in your diet! Bon Apetite!

So much more than just great Vegan recipes! The gems found in this neat collection of animal free meals provides concise information for those new to veganism and the vegetarian lifestyle. Eating healthy is a struggle for people from all walks of life but this book empowers you to take control of your eating habits using plant based strategies. You get a shopping list of vegan specific alternatives to meats, easy guidelines for preparation, and the factual information to make you feel confident from start to finish.More important than how to save time and money, the information found within these pages can actually improve your health with the infusion enriching meals. America's constant battle with obesity, flyby diet plans, and eating disorders can be addressed by using these vegan ideas gradually for anyone. Explained for the kitchen novice, making breakfast, snacks and sandwiches will never be a hassle again. Salads and dinners are created to meet the needs of your taste buds and nutritional requirements. You will definitely enjoy the international dishes and your first Vegan guests will be impressed with your array of dishes from appetizers to desserts. Read this excellent book and then share it with a loved one struggling to become healthier through natural eating.

This book is very useful for people considering veganism or open to changing their diet to a more plant-based, whole food approach. It doesn't hype the health-promoting benefits for going without dairy or animal products, which makes many of its recommendations more credible. For example, rather than urging readers to totally transform their eating habits immediately, but rather suggest to "begin slowly." Eliminate one food group at a time, beginning with ones LEAST essential to your daily eating, while giving yourself "time to adjust" to the changes.While the advice is generally sound it's also a bit meager, and perhaps misleading. For example in the recipe for sweet potato and kale hash we're told that the orange vegetable is a good source of Vitamin D. Never heard that before -- I wonder if the authors had Vitamin A in mind instead? Also, there is a cheerful recommendation for vitamin supplementation, though it seems to medical studies keep refuting the supposed health benefits of these usually pricey pills.That said, it is the recipes that this books' value rests on, and here it delivers. I've tried quite a few, and have in the past made variants of some of the ones listed here. They are indeed quick and easy and flavorful. The breakfast ones are especially useful -- concoctions like the pumpkin pancakes and broiled grapefruit look like great finds. Look forward to using this cookbook quite a bit in the future.Btw, I received a free copy of this book in exchange for writing this review, but was free to say whatever I wanted in it.

Veganism is one of those personal choices that can be hotly contested by friends and family who don’t understand why a person would want to eliminate all animal products from their life, and can’t imagine how one would even do so. For this reason, I would recommend this book for anyone with a vegan in their life. The first two chapters are an easy to read introduction to veganism, but the author stays away from the politics and controversy that sometimes enter into the discussion. This separates it from many other books on veganism that I have seen. Additionally, the author provides helpful tips on how to successfully maintain a vegan diet, how to get started, stock the pantry and refrigerator, and how to ensure that all nutritional needs are met. However, this is a very brief overview, and anyone who plans on adopting veganism for life should certainly seek out more in depth and more authoritative nutritional guidance. That’s why I think this book is better for the parent or spouse of a vegan.The bulk of the book is, happily, the recipes. As advertised, they are all simple, easy to make recipes. There are recipes for every meal of the day, breakfast to dessert, including snacks and even chocolate. Some of the recipes are the expected vegetarian fare, Four Bean Chili and Three Bean Salad, for example, but there are also unexpected entries, like the Veggie Muffaletta or the Tempeh Reuben. These more exotic recipes are a great addition, because they will keep the vegan diet from becoming boring.

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