Series: ACM Press Books
Hardcover: 536 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (June 26, 1997)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0201924757
ISBN-13: 978-0201924756
Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.9 x 1.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (13 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #12,864,358 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #67 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Networks, Protocols & APIs > CORBA #1577 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Object-Oriented Software Design #4723 in Books > Computers & Technology > Business Technology > Management Information Systems
In lieu of a surplus of remotely useful CORBA books, I gave this book 3 stars instead of 2 or fewer. This books is one of the few that provides any remotely relevant and coherent information whatsoever regarding CORBA. However, it should be clearly noted that this book claims to be written against the Orbix implementation of CORBA. Unless the book was written against some version of Orbix that has not been published as of 1999, I don't see how this could be true. As of Orbix 2.3, several examples within this book are innaccurate (i.e., Typecodes, as defined by the book, are of a later revision of CORBA than the Typecodes implemented within Orbix 2.3, the Interface Repository interfaces are not defined witin the CORBA module contrary to the book, the list goes on...). In terms of overall content, this book is little more than an emebelished rehash of the Orbix Programmer's Guide. Instead of purchasing this book, I *HIGHLY* recommend the very thorough treatment of CORBA: "Advanced CORBA Programming with C++" by Henning and Vinoski. The only disadvantage of the latter book is that is does not cover the Interface Repository nor Dynamic Clients or Servers (DII and DSI).
I have read it from cover to cover. This is a totally superficial book. If you are serious about learning corba there is only one book out there "Advanced CORBA Programming with C++" by Mitchi Henning and Steve Vinoski. They are also very active in the newsgroups.
The content is excellent -- it may be a rehash of the Iona manuals, but then I *don't* have the manuals! The tone is readable. But, the glaring typos and comical typeface selections turn an enjoyable book into a chore. Many a typesetters must be spinning in their graves. Sean, issue a "patch" release: V1.1 and bring this book back up to a score of 9!
This book provided a lot of the detail that was needed for someone who was new to to Corba/Orbix. It was easy to read and very well organized. It introduced topics at a pace that was easy to digest, without feeling overwhelmed. Of the books that I bought pertaining to Corba/Orbix; this is the best.
This is arguably the best CORBA coverage you will find. Enough vague statements have been written on CORBA so far. Now it's time for something useful to a practising programmer. Get it if you're into CORBA now. Beware: you might need to know a little on the subject to appreciate the book fully!
Discusses most important CORBA concepts in depth and shows easy to understand Orbix/C++ implementation examples. Highly recommended for design and implementation of CORBA based applications without being a reference manual. Minor drawback: Too short on CORBA/Java -> worth a sequel
A rehash of the manual. If the IONA manual isn't clear neither is this book. Topics are not discussed in enough detail. For example, naming services and narrowing. It is better than nothing, but only slightly.
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