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Data Analytics: Practical Data Analysis And Statistical Guide To Transform And Evolve Any Business Leveraging The Power Of Data Analytics, Data Science, ... (Hacking Freedom And Data Driven Book 2)

In today’s day and age, it’s become ESSENTIAL that Data Analytics MUST be part of your Business Model.Having the proper analytics to further enhance your existing or new business is critical for pinpointing problems and achieving successes.Data Analytics: Practical Data Analysis and Statistical Guide to Transform and Evolve Any Business, Leveraging the power of Data Analytics, Data Science, and Predictive Analytics for Beginners is targeted towards business owners or for anyone interested in wanting an in-depth learning experience with data analytics. Furthermore, for those who want to improve the sales and revenue for their business, but needs a guide regarding Data Analytics, then this book is perfect for you!This book delineates the types of data analytics best for business owners, how to analyze the business, and how to calculate the statistical data.In addition, this book will thoroughly discus the following topics:Why your business should be using data analyticsIssues with using big dataEffective data managementExamples of data management in the real-worldThe different kinds of data analytics and their definitionsHow data management, data mining, data integration and data warehousing work togetherA step-by-step guide for conducting data analysis for your businessAn organizational guide to data analyticsTools for data visualization (with links)Using social media analyticsI want to make sure this book will provide high value to you and give you new insights that you may have not known before. What makes this book different than other data analytic books is that it is a truly comprehensive guide to help your business prosper and find new ways of looking at your business model from a totally different perspective.Although this book does not include all information regarding Data Analytics, it does contain useful information that will help you create statistical tables from which you can base your data analysis. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to start a business or already has one and wants to further improve how they analyze theirs sales, expenses, logistics, and everything in between.Scroll up to Download this book now! Master your business and know how to interpret your data now!

File Size: 960 KB

Print Length: 110 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: United Computer Geeks (August 4, 2016)

Publication Date: August 4, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #82,444 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics > Microelectronics #34 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics > Microelectronics #74 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Network Security

Business is always attractable. From the ancient time it will be continued. But if anyone want be a successful businessman he must analysis the data that is relevant. This book contains the proven steps and strategies on how to become proficient with big data. It also includes the beginning concepts of data analytics to processing the information, structuring organization security issues with data management. Data analysis has been proven to change the business world.This book is an amazing resource on data collection. I am highly benefited from this book.

Data analytics is something that all businesses need but not most businesses have. My parents taught me this lingo as they own a successful coffee shop. They also said to educate yourself to make smart decisions and to avoid ignorance. With that being said I bought this book to solely educate myself in data analytics as I endeavor to continue my parents business. I found this book to be enlightening and jam-packed with information. My favorite topic covered in this book is data management. Great read so far and I will tell my parents about it

I'm currently a business major and I find data analytics and data management quite confusing to me. I went out and bought this kindle edition in hopes of a better explanation and I'm glad I did! It simplified topics such as business intelligence, data mining, and big data in a way that's easy to understand. My professor is from India and he has a thick accent which may contribute to the problem, but this book was really helpful to me in my class. I even asked my professor if this was an okay book as a supplement to the class and he said it was 'good enough resource.' I like this book and will continue to use it.

In data analytics as with a rocket ship, launching PA looks great on paper. You design and construct the technology, place it on the launch pad, and wait for the green light. But just when you’re about to hit “Go,” the launch is scrubbed. Then delayed. Then scrubbed again. The Wright brothers and others, galvanized by the awesome promise of a newly discovered wing design that generates lift, endured an uncharted rocky road, faltering, floundering, and risking life and limb until all the kinks were out.

This is really an amazing resource that defines data analysis and tools and methods that make it successful. I really need to develop my data analysis so that I will not be left behind in the ground. This book is very informative and a very useful guide for beginners to easily understand data analytics. A very spoon fed knowledge to the readers wanting to understand and learn data analytics. Time is spent wisely with this book. My deepest gratitude to this book for sharing these ideas.

Great content! This book is helpful to understand data analytics and increase the business sales, marketing and efficiency. One of the topics I was looking for was predicative analytics and this book covers this topic in depth. I highly recommend new or old business looking for an advantage in data management and data analysis in general. I recommend this book to anyone because of its simplicity and thoroughness of the topic. It's well worth the price as it provides a ton of useful information

I plan to start a family restaurant business and I needed to learn everything that is related to data analytics. I didn't know all the aspects of starting a business and all the nuisance and difficulties of just maintains a business could be. Luckily, this book provides explained topics and steps I could take before going in feet first in my family business. I definitely recommend this book as it is really well written and provides an abundance of useful information

Data analysis does provide leverage in business in a way that it helps to determine the definitive problems the is occuring. Entrepreneurs will benefit from this by means of knowing opportunities and detrimental factors affecting growth and productivity. This book offers an intensive approach in dessiminating information about data analysis. It has a great and comprehsive explanation most especially on how it can benefit your business.

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