File Size: 473 KB
Print Length: 280 pages
Publisher: Encore Publishing (February 7, 2013)
Publication Date: February 7, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #290,083 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #30 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Baking > Pastry #50 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Occasions > Gourmet #121 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Baking > Pastry
Dear Mr. Doue -You have basically plagiarized this entire book from a copywritten source. I would highly recommend you reach out to me ASAP otherwise we will be delving a little more in-depth into the rest of your books to see who else's intellectual material you've stolen.For anyone else that's interested, you can basically get the recipes for free from the individual he ripped off at,Thad
I have tried several different recipes from the books I have ordered and from recipes I have found on the internet and I haven't had half as much luck with those as I have with the basic recipe from this book! This book has the best and easiest recipe to follow and get the best results from. I haven't made the fillings yet because of my "baking need" to get the macaron shells right but I can't wait until I can perfect the shell first (I need to practice my piping so I can present the perfect macarons as gifts for birthdays, celebrations and the holidays throughout the year. This book is well worth the money and all the different types of cookies and fillings will keep you busy in the kitchen for hours!
This is kinda a coy paste compilation of several recipes you can find online. If you are lazy this is a time saver, if you research how to do a macaron (which you should as it is difficult to master) then you might already have them or have seen them around.
I live 20 minutes from France and macarons are my favorite! I am so excited to have this recipe book so I can make my own when I head back to the states. It is full of wonderful recipes and they are not nearly as complicated as I thought they would be. I just want to try more and more flavors. The pistachio are my favorite! I can't wait to try hazelnut, the hazelnut trees are dropping nuts like crazy right now. Before purchasing this book I thought I could never make them myself but mine turned out great!
Try not to salivate...Milk and honey... Peanut butter and jelly.. Strawberry cheesecake...Just to name a few!Incredibly delicious macaroon recipes that are easy to follow and ridiculously good!
Although there are lots of combinations of flavours and fillings to chose from the same recipe and directions are copied and pasted for every single one meaning the book could have been half as many pages. Some recipes say 'see basic recipe' but most don't. For 99c kindle buy its good enough. Not sure I will try the ketchup macaron recipe though.
100 recipes for such a great price! You cant go wrong. Such a great deal. The range of different recipes is well worth it
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