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Understanding Oracle APEX 5 Application Development

This new edition of Understanding Oracle APEX 5 Application Development shows APEX developers how to build practical, non-trivial web applications. The book introduces the world of APEX properties, explaining the functionality supported by each page component as well as the techniques developers use to achieve that functionality. The book is targeted at those who are new to APEX and just beginning to develop real projects for production deployment.Reading the book and working the examples will leave you in a good position to build good-looking, highly-functional, web applications. Topics include: conditional formatting, user-customized reports, data entry forms, concurrency and lost updates, and updatable reports. Accompanying the book is a demo web application that illustrates each concept mentioned in the book. Specific attention is given in the book to the thought process involved in choosing and assembling APEX components and features to deliver a specific result. Understanding Oracle APEX 5 Application Development is the ideal book to take you from an understanding of the individual pieces of APEX to an understanding of how those pieces are assembled into polished applications.Teaches how to develop non-trivial APEX applications.Provides deep understanding of APEX functionality.Shows the techniques needed for customization.What you’ll learnBuild attractive, highly-functional, web applications from the ground up.Enhance pages created by Application Express wizards.Understand the security implications of page design.Write PL/SQL code for process activity and verification.Build complex components such as tabular forms.Manipulate session state as users progress through a task.Who this book is forUnderstanding Oracle APEX 5 Application Development is for developers wanting a strong, fundamental understanding of how Application Express applications work. It is also intended for APEX developers who wish to improve their development techniques and more fully understand the thought processes involved in building APEX applications.

File Size: 6741 KB

Print Length: 348 pages

Publisher: Apress; 2 edition (July 6, 2015)

Publication Date: July 6, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #716,341 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #287 in Books > Computers & Technology > Databases & Big Data > Oracle #710 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Databases #2740 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Web Programming

The previous version of this book was the key ingredient in my APEX learning strategy and I am currently reading this new version to gain more insight and get up to speed on APEX 5.The biggest challenge I find with APEX is understanding how the various pieces fit together so you can figure out where to look for a particular setting or where to look to track down a bug in your app. This book has what I think is the ideal strategy for helping you up this learning curve:The book starts by helping you wrap your mind around the major elements of an APEX application: pages, regions, and items. The focus of the book is on understanding how these pieces fit together into a logical framework. Which means that as I went through the book I began to build my own mental model of how APEX works. I cannot stress enough how important this is: your SQL code is just a small piece of your application's design and you need to a clear mental model to understand where your code lives, when it runs, and how it interacts with all the other parts of APEX that are defined using its GUI.Another thing I like about the book is the approach to examples. Yes, it is cool to have a book build some really impressive application as you walk through but then it becomes harder to dip into the book at random points to learn specific skills and have the example make as much sense. By using a series of small, ad hoc examples, each section of the book stands alone and you can read through the example to understand the specific thing being explained. The fact that the examples make use of the sample tables that ship with APEX makes it easy to quickly try something out without needing to have followed along an entire process of building an example.

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