File Size: 2489 KB
Print Length: 96 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Melinda Means (August 15, 2016)
Publication Date: August 15, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #70,295 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #17 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Death & Grief #32 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Faith #71 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Death & Grief
I don't know anyone who isn't or hasn't been wounded. In reading this book, it brought back to me so many of the wounds I had which are now healed because of the Healer. Wounds I'd actually forgotten about and can now remember without the hurt. I love that this book is now something that I can recommend to those I know who are in the midst of pain. Inspired writing, without a doubt!
Don't let the length of this book fool you, it's meat and potatoes for every hurting heart. Melinda has a way of reaching directly to your heart. Her words serve as balm for the weary soul. Often times, through the "highlight reel" of other people's lives in this social media crazed world, we're led to believe that we're the only ones who are hurting, left with wounds from the past that aren't mending, and pain so deep no one could possibly understand. This book reached in and discusses the things we don't want to talk about, the pains we don't want to admit are real, and makes sure we know that God can and will use ALL THINGS, even the things we don't understand. Thank you Melinda for writing such a timely, open and honest book.
In this book, the author approaches the topic of prolonged grief and pain, through the medium of the stories of a number of women, who do not appear to be hurting. The pain of these women is dealt with sensitively, with warmth and empathy, and never with cloying sadness or demanding sentimentality, as the author shows us how all pain has a reason and only one Healer. Linked up throughout with Biblical references, this is book segues seamlessly into faith narratives about faith, suffering and healing.
I really liked how the author writes of throwing off your invisibility cloak. By allowing others to see our invisible wounds, it helps others to relate to us and vice versa. Several times while reading I felt the "me too!" feeling, reading of some of the women's invisible wounds. I knew exactly what they were referring to.While I'm hurting is when I need hope the most. Let this book give you a little hope when you may need it the most.
Having worked out emotional hurts on my own and thinking things were OK, I found some that only came out in reading this book. So glad that I read this book, it was a great help to get over the years of emotional abuse I went through.Invisible wounds come in different forms and Melinda helps to identify the different types of hurts and is very encouraging as she shares how she was able to get past some of the invisible wounds of her own.
We never know what someone may be going through until we learn their story. This author has shared her amazing story of illness and the faith that pulled her through it. I was inspired by her story. So many people can learn compassion for others and stop being so quick to misjudge others. I'm glad I got to read this.
I love this book. I'm eagerly awaiting more.What I loved most about it was the personal stories and how they demonstrated other women dealing with their own invisible wounds. It's helpful to know you are not alone in having invisible wounds (whatever they may be). There is a generality to that struggle I didn't really understand until I read this book: someone else doesn't have to have the SAME invisible wound to understand/empathize with YOUR invisible wound.The chapter/section which most spoke to me was that about "embracing the race you've been given". I've been dealing with a lot of "invisible wounds" in the past decade. For a long time, what helped me get through was the idea that the "tough stuff" was going to be short-term; they have turned out to be more long-term temporary. It's hard to maintain hope for a LONG time in that way. But the idea of embracing what life is RIGHT NOW resonated with me; there is something sacred about being present and really trying to experience and see what is going on around you RIGHT NOW. It's a way to be open to seeing God's reasons for the tough stuff; otherwise, you might just miss it.I also found passage about "groaning" to God helpful. It was a much needed reminder that I can be honest with God about how I'm feeling, even if it's not positive.[I received an advance copy of the book, upon which my review is based. I did not receive any compensation for my review; it's my own honest opinion.]
I recommend this book to anyone who is feeling alone, hurting, and/or looking for healing. Reading this book reminded me that I am not alone and that I don't need to keep my pain bottled up. Invisible Wounds is a short and easy read with a powerful and comforting message.
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