Paperback: 640 pages
Publisher: Tyndale Momentum; 43337th edition (March 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1414337264
ISBN-13: 978-1414337265
Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.3 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (75 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #16,625 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #68 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Family #430 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Parenting #3831 in Books > Religion & Spirituality
I purchased this book when I was at my wit's end with our daughter hitting the terrible twos and needed some guidance . I trust anything Dr. Dobson says. My mom used the original Strong Willed Child for us geowing up. I read through the book very quickly but skipped over all the research data. He does include a lot of info from studies which is kind of annoying but it is stil incredibly helpful. I applied the tips learned and she started behaving almost overnight and hasnt thrown anymore out of control temper tantrums that lea ve me crying in the bathroom! We are all much happier. I highly recommend this resource!
I had the privildge of having these three James Dobson books at my disposal when I was raising my children back in the 80's-90's. They are fantastic books, containing pearls of wisdom. They gave me much needed truth and guidance - lets face it...children do not come with instructions, and the way our parents did it may not be the right or effective way. These books were and integral part of my raising of children.Truth and wisdom do not change over time - so these books are still applicable today.
This book is insightful and a great bargain! I have the original Dare to Discpline and have read it. This book is great, because it combines 3 awesome works of Dr. Dobson's so I don't have to pick up different books at different books for different times, it's all in one book and I can flip around through it, depending on the situation I am trying to resolve or learn about. Very practical and sound advice and information.
I love this book. Such good advice. Practical and loving discipline- so well articulated. My mom read Dobson, my mother-in-law read Dobson, and I'm carrying on the torch! I hope you read this and take this good advice, because you will be happier and your babies will thank you.
I love having the books. I wish I had bought each seperately. I have a hard time holding the book up in my constant state of sleep deprivation. Excellent material.
It is so wonderful to get a hold of this trio of Dr. James Dobson's books regarding child rearing. My daughter is getting married soon, and she and her husband-to-be want to start having their family right away. Because of the delay due to her work career and the proximity to the upper end of her child-bearing years, she wants to dive right in, but she has neither been around babies and small children over the years, nor has she done any reading or preparing for the great adventure. This group of books will be a wonderful read right off as well as a wonderful reference over the years. You cannot go wrong following the guidance of this godly man.Joyce
This is an awesome book, and I told my wife I may purchase extra copies to hand out to harried parents that I see when we go to restaurants or just around town. Children need boundaries, and parents need to be consistent. Dr. Dobson offers a lot of practical advice for how to make life pleasant and enjoyable both for the child and the parents. I'm not sure why so many parents are afraid of discipline. Frankly, I look at their lives and wonder how they aren't completely miserable with the way their kids don't obey when they are given instructions on their behavior. Our daughter is well-loved, and she knows it. She also obeys us, and we enjoy being with her.
I love Dr. Dobson. My parents looked to his advice while raising their 4 kids and now I look to him with my 2 boys. Great resource! All 3 of his most popular book all in one for a great price! I will also have to buy his Bringing up boys book. Love it!
The Dr. James Dobson Parenting Collection PARENTING: Single Parenting For Moms: A Guide in Raising Your Family and Being a Successful Mom (Parenting, Single Parent, Single Mother, Parenting Boys, Parenting Girls, Raising kids, Healthy child) Parenting: SINGLE PARENTS' BOOK: HOW TO BE THE BEST MOM AND DAD AT THE SAME TIME! 11 RULES ON HOW TO RAISE GREAT KIDS ALONE (Single,Parenting,Parenting Toddlers,Single Parenting) Love for a Lifetime: Building a Marriage That Will Go the Distance (Dobson, James) Step Parenting 101: How to Be Successful at Step Parenting and Have a Happy Blended Family Forever (Step Parenting and The Blended Family) Blended Families: Steps to Help You Succeed in Step-Parenting and Become A Strong Family (Blended Family, Step Parenting, Parenting-Help) Parenting For Single Mothers: Being A Good Mom And Raising Great Kids (Single Parent, Single Mom, Parenting Boys, Parenting Girls) Positive Parenting: How to talk to your kids so they listen...Your guide to everything you need to know about positive parenting and raising children to ... Positive Discipline, Parenting Books) ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE: JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOK, VOL 6: Movie Posters, Lobby Cards, Movie Stills And Photographs From Around The World (JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOKS) THUNDERBALL: JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOK, VOL. 4: Movie Posters, Lobby Cards And Movie Stills From Around The World (JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOKS) YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE: JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOK, VOL 5: Movie Posters, Lobby Cards And Movie Stills From Around The World (JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOKS) FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE: JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOK, VOL. 2: Movie Posters, Lobby Cards And Movie Stills From Around The World (JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOKS) GOLDFINGER: JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOK, VOL. 3: Movie Posters, Lobby Cards And Movie Stills From Around The World (JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOKS) OCTOPUSSY JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOK, VOL. 13: Movie Posters, Lobby Cards, Movie Stills And Photographs From Around The World (JAMES BOND 007 MOVIE POSTER BOOKS) James y el melocotón gigante / James and the Giant Peach: COLECCIÓN DAHL (Alfaguara Clasicos) (Spanish Edition) Wages of Sin (A James Acton Thriller, #17) (James Acton Thrillers) LIST SERIES: JAMES ROLLINS: SERIES READING ORDER: SIGMA FORCE BOOKS, THE BANNED AND THE BANISHED BOOKS, GODSLAYER BOOKS, JAKE RANSOM BOOKS, TUCKER WAYNE BOOKS, STANDALONE NOVELS BY JAMES ROLLINS Parenting: Parenting Toddlers: An Effective Child Care Guide To Potty Training, Nutrition, Hygiene, & Proper Sleeping Habits For A Happy Healthy Toddler Step Parenting: Crucial Steps on How to Be A Good Stepmom - Step Parent Books for Stepmothers (Step parenting book, Stepmother, How to be a good stepmom, Blended Family, Stepfather, Stepmom) Foster Parenting: The Ultimate Guide To Foster Care - How To Create A Comfortable, Loving And Stable Home For A Foster Child (Adoption, Parenting, Child Care)