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A Different Kind Of Cheerleader

All I ever wanted was to be a cheerleader. That's it. Just lead my squad running and screaming across the gym floor while the students rocked the bleachers. But that will never happen. Dreams like that stopped after my accident. I'm broken. Like a violin with a missing string—the music inside of me is all garbled up. And despite what my perpetually cheerful physical therapist says—there is no happy ending for someone like me. My BFF and Seb, the one armed assistant coach, keep preaching to me about their God and His love until I just want to scream. But there's something about the two of them—something peaceful and happy that I sometimes think I want. Something that starts me believing that maybe the most impossible dreams can come true.

File Size: 2506 KB

Print Length: 234 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: White Bird Publications, LLC; 1 edition (May 26, 2014)

Publication Date: May 26, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #880,692 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #101 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Physical Disabilities #184 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Diseases #404 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Children's Nonfiction > Science, Nature & How It Works > Health

A Different Kind of Cheerleader is a tender, honest, heartwarming story of a wheelchair bound young teenager who longs to be a cheerleader. This story grabs you in the first paragraph when you see her bitterness boil over during her rehab and although she presents a tough exterior, she has the same dreams every young girl her age dreams. Watch her battle her disability while developing faith, hope, and reaches for a future of smiles.This is a must read for all ages. I highly recommend A Different Kind of Cheerleader for you personal library and hope that all schools get a copy for their students to read.Lira Brannon is a brilliant writer and knows how to reach out grab the reader and force them to turn page after page, wanting more, more, more. Let's hope Lira does have more for us. I, for one, will be first in line.

This Christian novel is written from the perspective of Tansy, a teen girl who has been confined to a wheelchair following a skateboard accident several years ago. The reader learns to understand Tansy's frustration as she tries to participate in activities with her friends, and struggles with her lifelong dream of becoming a cheerleader. Those who struggle with a disability will be encouraged to find their path through this book, and others will be better able to understand the challenges faced by those who are differently-abled. Great read for teens and adults.

Great book. Tansy's emotions told very realistically.A great inspirational story Had me crying and routing. I would recomend it.A must read!

I really liked this book. I enjoyed reading it. The book showed the possibilties and hardships of a disabled person..

By the magic of the author I, a grizzled old man, became for a while a 13 year old girl yearning to be a cheerleader. But the odds were overwhelmingly against fulfilling that dream because I was bound to a wheelchair, unable to walk on my withered legs. Not just my body but my mind was crippled and struggling with age-old questions. Why me? If God loves me how could he let this happen to me?Looking at life through the eyes of a tragically wounded girl was a new experience for me. How she learned that lovely music can come from a broken instrument is a powerful lesson and a beautiful book.

This is a very uplifting book for anybody. It follows a young girl as she dreams to be all she wants to be. With the help of her loyal best friend she finds courage, hope, and best of all the understanding that Jesus does love her! I hope that this book finds it's way into the homes of all young people who are feeling hopeless and discouraged. I believe it will give them the same encouragement that Tansy received to live her dream.

A good read for both preteens, teenagers, and parents. Exhibits the struggles -- both physical and emotional -- experienced by a young girl whose dreams are temporarily crushed by forces outside of her control.

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