Lexile Measure: 880L (What's this?)
Series: American Girl Library
Paperback: 104 pages
Publisher: Pleasant Company Publications; 1 edition (September 1, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1562476661
ISBN-13: 978-1562476663
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.2 x 10.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (814 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #43,232 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #75 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Personal Hygiene #414 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Girls & Women
Age Range: 8 and up
Grade Level: 3 and up
I bought this book for my 9 (soon to be 10) year old and was impressed by the head-to-toe body care topics it covered. It touches on everything from hair care, to face cleansing, to washing your hands, to exercising and nutrition. I was wondering how I was going to broach the topic of starting her period with my daughter and this sure helped relieve my anxiety. It covered it honestly, straightforward and not intimidating at all. I think it helped because it was only a minor focus of the entire body-care book. (A brief introduction to what a period is and how to handle it and the fact that it is completely NORMAL and all girls go through it). I told my daughter that she was now in the "girls club" and could talk to me anytime about any of these topics she had questions about...she carried the book around for hours and immediately started cleaning her face, brushing her hair and being more conscious of her overall body care.I highly recommend this book for preteens and am happy I bought it.
My daughter is 9 and I thought it to be an approprate time to start the "talks". This age group is still so innocent, it's hard for them to fully understand all that is coming up for them in just a few short years. The thing I like about this book is that kids can absorb information at their own pace and as they need it. What they're not ready for they won't read and when they are, they can look at it with some privacy (I've even heard her giggle about it with her friends).The book coveres a lot of self care like teeth brushing, showering, and the basics. The last part of this book is about menstruation and body hair. There is no sex talk like some other puberty books.
I bought this book when my daughter was 8, but didn't feel like she was ready until recently (9). To screen it, I read it all the way thru in about an hour. IF YOU BUY THE BOOK, HERE'S A TIP! I decided to make notes in some of the margins like: "Ask me about an embarrassing time like this and how I fixed it!" and "This part is strange, isn't it?" and "You already know about hair getting greasier, don't you?" Then I took it to my daughter and said "I bought you this cool book about how your body is changing. Read it when you feel like it and ask me absolutely anything." I was in the next room and heard the pages turning, then heard some giggles, and she came running out and said "Tell me about your embarrassing time!" We had many great conversations over the next couple of days. I was SO happy to provide a wonderful learning experience for my girl AND have some solid female bonding with her!
I am one of those....hhmmm...scardy cats! Talk about personal stuff with my kids?!? MY mom didn't do that! :) This book was the answer to my prayers! I worked up the courage to give it to my daughter (9 yo) and briefly flip thru the pages with her. I tried to act cool...ya right! It goes from head to toe on a girl and discusses the importance of keeping every part clean and well groomed. Then I told her if she had questions to ask. I checked with her periodically over the next couple of weeks...concerns? uncomfortable? NONE of either. She is so comfortable with the subjects I'M no longer afraid to talk to her about it. She LOVES the book and reads it on a regular basis. Checks it if she has questions and we go over questions together...with or without the book. My younger daughter (7) will inherit it next. Now, if American Girls would just come out with (if there IS one please let me know!) a book on sex ed! :) I highly recommend this book for any girl about to hit puberty. Or any parent that just can't quite work up the nerve to discuss 'those things'.
Finally! I was looking for a book my 10 year old could read without the sexual details. This book is great for girls who are just starting to think about shaving, the shape of their bodies, wether or not to wear a bra, or what a period is. It is a basic guide to taking care of their bodies. I ordered other books I had to return because there were chapters on sexual intercourse, masturbation and birth control. This book has none of that. I can now give my daughter this book to read without having to cut out any pages!
I like this book. The problem with this book is that when it starts talking about menstruation it doesn't give a lot of information about it. This is a good book if you want a simple or brief explanation about periods but a bad one if you're curious. I got this book when I was about 10 and I liked it but now that I'm 12 I need more info.I think this would be a good book for 9-11 year olds.
This has to be the best book on the market for girls from ages 8 years and older. It fully explains, in plain language, the changes that their bodies are going through, as well as personal hygiene and respect for themselves, without putting a scare into them. I would highly recommend this book for schools to distribute to female students beginning from third grade and above.
My daughter is 8, and I bought this book at our school book fair. She has not put the book down. She comes to me confidentialy with questions, prompted by things she has read. The book deals not only with puberty, but also with personal hygeine and what to expect will happen to your body. This books gets a big two thumbs up.
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