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Let Hope In: 4 Choices That Will Change Your Life Forever

Hope changes everything.It can disarm guilt, shatter shame, and put your past in its place. All you have to do is make the choice to let it in. It won’t be easy. It won’t be quick. But it is possible and we serve a God who promises over and over again that anything is possible.Pete Wilson, pastor and the author of Plan B, presents a new look at the power of healing through hope, revealing 4 unique choices that have the potential to change your life forever.With Wilson’s telltale cadence and candor, Let Hope In explores accounts of seemingly hopeless moments in the Bible illustrating God’s ultimate plan for healing by letting hope fill the dark places of your past.Discover how pain that is not transformed becomes transferred. Embrace the freedom of being okay with not being okay. Learn that a life of trusting is far more magnificent than a life of pleasing. Because hurt people hurt people, but free people have the power to free people. So make today the day that you get unstuck. The day you fill your past with the light of hope, the day you say good-bye to regret and shame. The day you choose to change your future and embrace who God created you to be, simply by making the choice to let hope in.

File Size: 1622 KB

Print Length: 207 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: B00OSN6JIW

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: Thomas Nelson (October 8, 2013)

Publication Date: October 8, 2013

Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #61,719 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #27 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Faith #109 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Faith #137 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Personal Growth

Let Hope In was written by Pete Wilson, who is the founding and senior pastor of Cross Point Church which is one of the fastest growing churches in America. This is his third book and my personal favorite. Though I did enjoy both his first book, Plan B, and his second, Empty Promises. It's funny that I got the opportunity to read Let Hope In at this point in my life, a time when this is exactly the kind of message I needed. I think that that will be the case for many, if not most, of the people who read this book. Because like I said in the introduction, we all go through times where something awful happens and we don't know what to do about it.It's right in the title. Let Hope In. As Pete says, "Your past is not your past if it's still impacting your present." In this book, Pete shares some of the stories of people he's counseled over the years and to help us see how our past impacts us. He uses several Biblical stories to help us understand how God wants to heal us from our past and present hurts.Pete gives us four choices that can change our lives if we let them.Choice #1: Choosing to Transform Instead of TransferChoice #2: Choosing to Be Okay With Not Being OkayChoice #3: Choosing to Trust Rather Than PleaseChoice#4: Hurt People, Hurt People, But Free People Choose to Free PeopleI'm really not one to write in books, but I have a feeling that might change with this one. There's just so many good lines and passages in here. Some that I'd like to put up on a wall in a place where I'm sure to see it. Starting with just two words: "But God". Those two words and what he says about them have had a major impact on my prayer life. Then I got hit by this gem which I loved: "God is bigger than your history and more concerned with your destiny".

Let Hope In by Pete Wilson is filled with wise words for living out the life of faith. It's not really a guidebook to hope, so much as the author's thoughts on Christian basics. And they're good thoughts.For example, early in the book, he says this about shame: "Shame becomes an identity that drives us forward into self-abusive actions…. shame is not produced by past events. Shame is produced by what we believe about those events." This sets up the theme of these chapters: how what we do with the events of our past has a huge impact on our experiences in life. How do we think about difficulties and disappointments? How do we forgive when necessary? How do we let God transform us and our perception of these events and the larger story we're living?"Throughout life," he says, "we will face one situation after another that will be completely beyond what we can handle." He goes on to quote Brennan Manning: "Anyone God uses significantly is almost always deeply wounded." Through all of this, the central issue, he argues, is not what we are doing - to fix ourselves, to heal, to prove our capacity in the world - but what God is doing. That's the interesting part of the story.Perhaps the strongest chapter of the book is toward the end, where the author shares his love of gardening. He talks about how much effort he puts into his garden, and how this makes him think of a chapter in the Gospel of John, where Jesus describes his father as the gardener. The author doesn't say this directly, but what came to mind for me is that the life of faith is a lot like gardening: we know some of the things to do, and we learn more and more throughout our lives if we're willing.

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