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The Power Of Choice: Choose Faith Not Fear

Power of choiceOur choices can lead to happiness or sadness. Due to the situations many people find themselves in, they think that the power of choice has been taken from them. They feel helpless, out of control of their own life.There are two main choices in this world, you can choose to FEAR the future, which limits the options available to you, or you can choose to have FAITH which opens up unlimited options.Through the media. Be it television, newspaper or The Internet we can be bombarded with fear from a morning to night, so much so that we become accustomed to it and take it as the norm. If you are looking for examples of faith then you have to search for it, seek it out.In this book, I would like to restore some of that faith that may have been taken from you throughout the years. I will share stories of how both faith and fear are equally powerful and need to be treated as so.FEAR can bring sickness, depression, heartache.FAITH can bring healing, good fortune, mental clarity.When you take responsibility that the power of choice is within you and not in the circumstances that affect your life then with that comes an within bliss, as when you stand in faith that allows Gods love to flow into your life, creating stronger family bonds, peace of mind, healing, often off incurable diseases.I welcome you today to make a choice of faith and learn to leave fear behind. Where you once seen a dead end, you will now see crossroads.I leave the choice to join me up to you. Have a great day.

File Size: 147 KB

Print Length: 24 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: January 22, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #29,842 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #7 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Faith #9 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 45 minutes (22-32 pages) > Religion & Spirituality #40 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Faith

This is the truth that will set you free. This is the power that will give you everything. This gives you the Christlike grace that gives you the greatest pease.This is the way to receive the help from our helpers, up somewhere.But don't expect anything if you are doubting all the time, ask for wisdom and keep steady on your faith. It does move mountains.This is the only road.Thank you so much Rev J Martin!!!

This is a second wind. Just when you want to give up and you feel no hope or strength, here's a quick pick me up. For those times when you don't even feel like reading just a few minutes of reading this will encourage and build you up. Your faith will come alive and through this anointed word.

I loved this book, something simple yet powerful! I was going thru a faze where fear was controlling me. As I was coming out a came across your book it helped me to understand that fear is really a mind thing an if we let it ,it will over power us an I choose faith! An I will stay in faith an in a positive line with life an God an thank you for your book to help me think of others ways to have positive thinking! God bless you an anyone else who reads this!

First of all. ...The title of this book was veey inspiring to me because I am currently moving from fear to faith! I have been one in the past to worry and fear and doubt so many things in my life that it led me to be depressed and suicidal. I was delivered from that and my faith was restored. I moved form being fearful about everything to trusting God and encouraging others to not only have faith but to Trust God...somehow I was reverted this year.. Instead of continuing to press in my faith I allowed fear to take over. Long story short. ......God showed me through this very short and powerful book how he is currently moving me from fear to faith again and how I could never ever go back to being fearful! The mind is a powerful thing peeps! Guard it !!!

This book breathes freedom into fear, by reminding us to actively choose faith over fear. I have lived with fearful thoughts bombarding me since I was a child. The first step is recognizing the fears, the second is to rebuke them by speaking truth and faith. Faith over fear equals freedom! Great read! Full of power and affirmation.

I have read all Rev J. Martin books that are on kindle. He tells the stories as examples of healthy thinking. He tells them in a way that is easy to grasp. I recommend this book, it really helped me in my walk with God.

This is a wonderful, simple and extremely powerful message. The book needs some text edits but the message is vital, valuable and something we all need to put in practice.

Power of Choice is a book to make you have Faith not fear.We must trust God in everything. He never fails nor forsakes.

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