File Size: 2671 KB
Print Length: 47 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: G. M. Frazier (June 27, 2013)
Publication Date: June 27, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #560,520 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #139 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Firearms & Weapons #336 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Sports > Outdoors & Nature > Hunting & Fishing > Shooting #506 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 90 minutes (44-64 pages) > Sports & Outdoors
This is not a comprehensive view of the CZ-85, or its position in the CZ-75 family, but a detailed direct comparison of two CZ-85s, one an early Pre-B model (made before the 1994 introduction of the B model firing pin safety) and one a B model. It goes beyond the firing pin safety changes and notes many other changes, the sort of continuous improvements good manufacturing firms everywhere practice.While the book sticks to the 85, it is reasonable to assume similar changes have been made in the CZ-75. The difference between the 75 and 85 is that the 85 comes with ambidextrous controls, and its sights are on a slightly raised rib on the top of the slide. This book will also help you understand the mechanism of other CZ pistols, like the P-01 and the later polymer framed CZs, even though it does not encompass them and some of the other CZ options (like single action, or decocker vs. safety).This limitation is not a criticism, but a description of the books focus. There are over a hundred variations of the CZ-75 and its offshoots that have been commercially released since the first 1969 9mm prototypes, and that's not counting the clones and imitations produced in the USA, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, South Africa, and Turkey.Jerry Paregien is a prolific poster to several online firearms forums including one for CZs, and has the right experience, expertise and education to make such a book. Making it available as an e-book helps with the going-out-of-print problem endemic to highly specific technical books. This is a must for CZ fans.
Mis-titled really, probably should be called "Comparison/contrasts CZ 75 to CZ 75B". I did learn a lot relative to that as I only own a CZ 75B but that is really all this book does. Can't really complain for 99 cents but...thus the 3 star rating.
If you have any interest in all in one of the best pistol designs, this is a must read and the best 99c you can spend. Not a manual although you will pick up knowledge about the "internals" of the pistol particularly in regards to how it has evolved/changed over the years.
A nice e-book resource on one of the greatest handguns ever made. The primary focus is on the difference between earlier CZ-85's versus newer manufactured CZ-85B models. It's not a manual but a comparison of the new versus old. Enjoy.
The Book explains the change from a CZ-85 to CZ-85B to the T. In 2014 pressure from the contest shooters and their shooting team convened CZ to roll back the firing pin safety on the CZ-85B Combat. I expect the main reason is so the can fix a broken firing pin between stations and not have to finish a match with a second gun.Doing away with the firing pin safety also improve the trigger pull by taking several moving parts out of the system. Most of the new pistols I've shot seem to have a problems with light firing pin strikes on ammo with hard primers. When I trace it down it's almost always due to a short firing pin being pushed by a really heavy hammer spring. It seems the firearms makers are doing anything they can to pass the California drop test.The way I check a firing pin for length is drop a pencil with a rubber eraser down the vertical barrel of the pistol and strike with the firing pin. If it doesn't come energetically out of barre I put in a longer firing pin and weaker hammer spring in the pistol improving the trigger pull and reliability. Try the pencil on a old pistol of the house so the pencil isn't stuck in the ceiling.Red
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