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Maximize: How To Develop Extravagant Givers In Your Church

Maximize is the ultimate how-to book for pastors and church leaders who long for their churches to be fully resourced to carry out ministry initiatives without financial strain. Pastor Nelson Searcy provides an innovative, step-by-step plan for turning first-time givers into extravagant stewards of God's resources. Shining a light on the often taboo subject of money, Maximize will explore what causes someone to give for the first time and what leaders can do to systemize and maximize these gifts while growing strong disciples. Readers will learn how to -cultivate first-time givers-motivate people to tithe-develop an ongoing stewardship system-follow up with givers the right way-develop multiple giving options-shepherd the five types of givers in the church-educate people to grow in the grace of givingStewardship is an essential part of discipleship. This revolutionary yet biblically based guide will chase the money discussion out of the darkness and bring it the attention it deserves. Every pastor needs a copy of Maximize!

File Size: 2397 KB

Print Length: 240 pages

Publisher: Baker Books; Original edition (October 1, 2010)

Publication Date: October 1, 2010

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #289,492 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #60 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Stewardship #160 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Stewardship #203 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Churches & Church Leadership > Church Leadership

Maximize does lay a great foundation for giving. How? By showing that giving and generosity are basic values of discipleship that ought to be maturing over time.Here are my 10 takeaways on the book:1. It is impossible to become a fully developed follower of Jesus without also becoming a fully developed steward of financial resources. Again, where your treasure is there your heart will also be.2. Giving should be an outward, material expression of a deep, spiritual commitment... and indication of a willing and obedient heart. Larry Burkett3. Maximize is the stewardship system that was developed out of this singular goal to cultivate first-time givers and move them towards extravagant giving.' Turn a first-time giver and do a regular giver.' Turn a regular giver into a tither.' Turn a tither into an extravagant giver.4. By nature, the concept of generosity is in conflict with the concept of self preservation. Andy Stanley.5. So teach on stewardship four times a year.' Teach on money mid-to-late January' teach on money right after kids get back to school.' Pick two other stewardship Sundays during the year at your own discretion.' Along with this new stewardship testimonies two times a year6. Revolutionary gratitude' Giving is a way of taking the focus off the money we make and put it back where it belongs on the lives we lead, the families we raise, the communities that nurture us.' Our goal is to create a culture of generosity. (that is more than money)' Stewardship is discipleship, which creates a culture of generosity, encouraging generosity through education and strategic stewardship practices, and following up with givers effectively.7.

What I like about Nelson Seacy's books is the fact that they'e not about theory but down to earth practical advice. Maximize is no exception. Here's what I learned from Maximize.1. You have to have healthy stewardship to have a healthy church. Stewardship is about discipleship. Followers of Jesus give. I have to admit that I never made the connection between the two. I always thought that healthy churches gave, but I never considered the fact that healthy stewardship was part of how the church became and stayed healthy.2. God has a specific plan for fully resourcing His church and freeing His people from financial repression. This hit me hard. I never thought of it in these terms. But it makes perfect sense and is Biblically sound. God has a plan for everything else. Why not funding His church. Therefore, I don't have to come up with a plan or use guilt inducing gimmicks. I just teach His plan. Duh!3. You can't be a mature believer without giving. I've seen it too many times, members who are spiritual pygmies. They've been coming to church for thirty years, but have no depth to their souls. Stewardship is integral with discipleship.4. You have to have multiple giving options. The offering plate won't cut it, especially in this debit card culture. And if the only time the congregation can give is on Sunday morning, you're leaving a lot of God's money in their pockets.5. You can't let people climb the leadership ladder without also climbing the generosity ladder. It's leads to problems and hurt. I've pastored this church. Several times. I know that is a direct correlation to the maturity issue I mentioned above.6. Giving isn't about money. It is about growing in Christ.7. People want to give.

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