Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (August 24, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470607831
ISBN-13: 978-0470607831
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.8 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (24 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #162,799 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #9 in Books > Computers & Technology > Digital Audio, Video & Photography > Adobe > Adobe Illustrator #53 in Books > Computers & Technology > Software > Design & Graphics #166 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Graphics & Visualization
This book was amazing! Initially it tells you to start out with Chapter 2 if you don't have any experience with Illustrator. I forgot about this when I started reading and went with Chapter 1. It didn't even affect me. The DVD comes with video lessons and files on it. Download it to your computer for easier and quicker access. Watch the video first and do what the instructor mentions. Then read the chapter in the book. Some of it is redundant but the book goes into more detail, giving you additional tips. They both work great together. I can't wait to buy more books from this series.
I have used Photoshop for over 10 years and I have never tried to understand Illustrator. I finally bit the bullet and bought this book to help me get started. It is extremely easy to use and very user friendly. The DVD helps you get started on each chapter. Then I do all the practice exercises with each chapter on my own. I am someone who has never used Illustrator before and now I am navigating through it very easily. I have seen the light on what so many people have told me about this program. I highly recommend this book and I just purchased the InDesign book by the same people because I loved this one so much.
I got this book because I had been struggling with Adobe Illustrator. It gave me solid information on how to use the Pen tool, which I definitely needed, as well as exercises to help me get up to speed in the fundementals and new features. I feel much more confident and I now look forward to working in Illustrator instead of dreading it.
Brilliant! This is exactly what I was looking for! Step by step to show you all the ins and outs of Illustrator! I am a long time user of Photoshop but just learning Illustrator. This is essential if you want to learn the ins and outs of Illustrator. The way they set up each chapter is a project or a collection of projects that show you each tool and many tools I didn't know were available. They also explain why you would use each tool in a project of your own, what tool is best for each project and of course a few different ways to do the same function so you can select what one works best for you. The included CD (video training) has a quick overview of each chapter and also shows you a few steps to help emphasis the lesson. The CD also includes the project files you will use in the lessons and often has a "done" version so you can explore the project to compare as you progress in the lesson. I have been so pleased with the Digital Classroom books that I have also got more of their books for the rest of the CS5 programs.
I recently upraged all of my Adobe apps from truly ancient versions to CS5.5. For some of these applications, I was easily able to figure out how to use the new version. For others, including Illustrator, I had no idea. This was usually because I never really made use of the old version. I decided to take the plunge and try to learn. I bought tutorials for all of the apps that were available.I quickly came to realize that the Digital Classroom series is, more often than not, the best bet. The lessons are logical and accomplish the learning goals associated with them. For the most part, the book explained not only “how” to do something but, just as important, “why” you would want to do it in the first place.The problem I find with computer tutorials is that, inevitably, the point comes where the operations described in the text diverge from what I see on the screen. That happened with this book also but the times were remarkably few and caused no real hardship.The text did not give a thorough and complete lesson of all of Illustrator’s capabilities. Instead, it provided a good overview of basic process and procedure. I was not an artist and still am not but I at least understand the rudiments of AI now. That was not true before. AI was my least used program (once since 2002!!). Now, I am comfortable enough to give it a try should the need arise.
This book is very comprehensive but what really satisfied me was the complimenting online video tutorials series that are available through it. They really helped me roll up my sleeves (it helps that I use two monitors) and I found them addicting and educational.
There needs to be more books like this one . It is such a fun challenge to create step by step each project. When I am bored I fill up my free time learning a new project, and now I have gotten to the point I remember how to use the different tools and this is really rewarding, thanks!
I have just started but like what I see. I think the program is good and will help me learn the product. I like how the video and reading components work together.
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