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Pumpkin Recipes: 30 Simple And Healthy Yummy Pumpkin Recipes For Every Taste Plus Fall And Winter Meals (Pumpkin Recipes & Healthy Eating)

Are you excited for the fall and winter festivities? Are you ready to cook and sample amazingly delicious dishes inspired by the flavors of these two much awaited seasons?Now, if there is one flavor that people go really crazy for, as soon as signs of fall emerge, it would definitely be the taste and aroma of pumpkin. Because of the people’s love for this vegetable, a lot of recipes, from appetizers, to entrees and even desserts, have been developed not only to utilize the crowd-favorite pumpkin and squash, but also those recipes which complement its natural, earthy flavors. If you are into recreating some of the best pumpkin dishes that are perfect for fall and even the winter season, then this book is most definitely for you. The book is your one stop for food and flavors dedicated to pumpkin. And not just that, inside you will learn: •Different flavors and ingredients that are worthy of a spot at your dinner table.•Different pumpkin recipes that are not just easy to make but also perfect for fall and winter related festivities, celebrations, gatherings and even potlucks. •Recipes that make use of the best flavors of winter and fall. These recipes will work with the rest of your pumpkin-based dishes. •How to properly treat and cook pumpkin to produce great tasting dishes every single time. •And so much moreWhile most people find cooking pumpkin a bit challenging, this book aims to completely change your view towards this vegetable. Don’t Delay. Download This Book Now.

File Size: 1613 KB

Print Length: 84 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: October 27, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #299,513 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #74 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Occasions > Holidays #92 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Occasions > Seasonal #276 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Entertaining & Holidays > Holidays

We love to grow pumpkins as it’s easy in care and good for decorating a fall garden, but especially we love our dishes with it, we have few which have been cooked for several years. Now we can cook even more, plenty of main meals and mouthwatering desserts are here to enjoy. We’ve tried few ones, that was just a pumpkin feast, amazing. Next season we’ll try to get more pumpkins as it’s so perfect for cooking all kind of dishes. It’s easier and fun with this recipe book.

I love pumpkin. Due to its earthy flavor it can be combined with different ingredients. I feel It is good to eat seasonal fruits and veggies. It is easy on budget and fresh too. There are plenty of simple recipes in this book for those who love pumpkin. This book is a great choice to those who want to experiment and enjoy making different dishes with pumpkin as well as other seasonal harvest.

It’s really good to get all kinds of recipes with a pumpkin. Now I can experiment and try new recipes with it not only for pastries and porridges, but also for stews and fritters. Unfortunately I don’t have enough pumpkins but next season I’ll get it enough to try all possible recipes with it through the year.

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