Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Multnomah; Reprint edition (June 21, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1601421451
ISBN-13: 978-1601421456
Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.6 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (491 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #18,849 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #172 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Personal Growth #452 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Spiritual Growth #4300 in Books > Religion & Spirituality
I think Andy Stanley has hit it out of the park with this book. He is so good at bringing God's truth from the Scriptures to bear on the big issues of the day. I think that along with Pete Scazzero's books Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and the Emotionally Healthy Church - that this book is must reading for pastors, leaders, and anyone who is a part of the body of Christ. Most Bible teachers, often neglect the soulish matters of the heart, - but Stanley calls a spade a spade and writes a convicting, challenging, and much needed corrective for us to address our blind spots.In Part 1 he addresses the fact that sin comes from the heart as Jeremiah says and is incredibly deceptive. He talks about the damage that sin does, and how to identify it, and the importance of correcting it.In Part 2 he addresses the dynamics of the debts that result from our sin. The four biggies are: Guilt - "I owe you"; Anger - "You owe me"; Greed - "I owe me"; and Jealousy - "God owes me." Andy handles each of these brilliantly and gives excellent examples that we can all relate to, so that we can confess them and start working in a positive direction to overcome them with the help of God the Holy Spirit.In Part 3 he focuses in on how to confront each of these sins, with their righteous (happy) counterparts: from anger to forgiveness; from greed to generosity; and reasons to celebrate the joy that we have in receiving Christ's blessing and the Holy Spirit's power at work in our lives.In Part 4 he helps us focus on what we are modeling and the legacy we are leaving behind (especially parents for their children) and how to deal with lust.The book includes a helpful discussion guide, which is excellent for personal application, and small group discussion.
I was fortunate to receive this book prior to its release in exchange for reviewing it for WaterBrook Multnomah. It just released on Tuesday, and let me simply introduce it by saying that it's a book I recommend with confidence.Who's It For:This book is definitely for Christians, as Stanley frequently quotes Scripture passages and explains what they mean to the Christian's heart. That said, the book's reach may be broad enough because it is clinical but comes across as "self-help from a biblical perspective."What It's About:Enemies of the Heart is about four destructive emotions that control us and what to do about them. The emotions are guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy. If you're like me, I initially thought that only one or two of those applied. However, after reading this book I realized how incorrect my impressions were and how they could still apply to me - or anyone, for that matter - even if they weren't primary.Stanley puts these emotions in a debt-to-debtor context, which really helped me understand and remember them more clearly. Guilt says "I owe you;" anger says "you owe me;" greed says "I owe me;" and jealousy says "God owes me." The premise is that whatever your situation, there is something that was (actually or perceived) taken and thus something owed (or believed to be owed). The solutions: confess, forgive, give, and celebrate, respectively.Some Highlights:I really enjoyed this book, both for personal and professional reasons. As a professional counselor, I found myself agreeing with Stanley's assessments of the four enemies of the heart as well as how they tend to evidence themselves in people's lives.
About a month ago, I went through my bookshelves with the intention of re-reading a book called, It Came From Within by one of my favorite speakers, Andy Stanley. I found the book in the basement and transferred it to a bookshelf in our living room where I keep all the other books I'm "kind of" reading right now. Shortly after, I received an e-mail from Northpoint Church (where Andy Stanley speaks) inviting me to join a website called "Blogging for Books" where I could receive his newest book, Enemies of the Heart, for free simply for reading and blogging about it. That deal worked for me, so I signed up and within two weeks the book was delivered to my door.Glancing at the bottom of the cover of my new book I noticed the words, "Previously released as It Came from Within." No lie. I was a bit disappointed as I was excited for a brand new book by Stanley, but I had been meaning to re-read this book anyway and this just gave me the motivation to do so.The thing I love about listening and reading Andy Stanley is how he is able to take important, complex truths and communicate them in ways that leave you wondering why you never thought of that in the first place. The book is laid out like a sermon series (which it was), which makes it easy to break down into logical segments. The idea of the whole book really is structured around Proverbs 4:23 which says, "Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life."Stanley focuses on four main "enemies" of the heart that are the sources of most problems we have in our life. The idea is that each one of these enemies creates a debt/debtor relationship.They are:Guilt- You owe someone else.Anger- Someone owes you.Greed- You owe yourself.
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